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That is Mt. TheseChoose is/are1. The above explanations and examples will show you the correct usage of demonstrative pronouns. Those 5. How to introduce your colleagues and boss to a newly acquired client? When to use the articles - a, an, the?3. Notice how the use of this, that, these and those changes depending on the location of the speakers in the following dialogs. Are you using preposition 'by' and 'to' interchangeably? How to talk about a viral video you saw recently? Remember! Are you familiar with these royal English Phrases? How to improve English with the help of comic strips and books? How to apologize when you forget important dates? You need to add 'is' after this or that in the present. How to describe your eye problems to an ophthalmologist? On your English learning journey, ensure to use Basic English as far as possible, until you develop a great hold over the lingo.Happy English learning folks! How to order food in English like a local? Does the PDF icon render pictures and special characters? This is a nice bowl of soup.4. How to talk to a lawyer to file an Income Tax return? How to Give Directions to Your Friend to Reach a Restaurant? 8 Beach Vocabulary Words one must know - Part one, Difference between – sorry, excuse me & pardon, 5 everyday idioms one must know – Part one, 10 everyday vocabulary for drinks and beverages, Vocabulary to be used while describing fitness, Learn words that have opposite meanings – Part one, Vocabulary to be used when describing gadgets, Phrasal Verbs you should use in a communication, Learn these spooky Halloween idioms- Part one, Learn these spooky Halloween idioms- Part two, Vocabulary to be used for describing Traffic and Commute, Vocabulary to be used while discussing about Apartments. Use those to indicate more than one object at a distance. How to speak politely while raising a complaint to customer service department? eAge's world-class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Those are my friends Daniel and Nick playing in the garden. Use that when indicating a single item at a distance. “Stationery”, and students must put up their hands and shout out correct whole sentences about flashcards in the classroom representing those things like “Those are scissors” (for a flashcard on the far wall) and “This is a pen” (for a flashcard on the whiteboard). �쬮�Z[�����U1ɉǝ� 2"�#F>l�Wl}wŖrq}{w��\q��s��������j?�vٲ�C� The right way of discussing sensitive topics. How to give details of a disease to a patient? Practice English Speaking While Waiting for an Interview, How to use Punctuation Correctly? What is that?4. This is my house.2. Do you know about the important parts of your body? Specially - Know the Difference, Compliment vs. Complement -Know the Difference. How to volunteer to invite guests at home? They are often used with the location words here and there or prepositional phrases such as on the corner. Vocabulary related to describing food – Part one, 4 conversation starters/ ice breaking statements, Learn the correct usage of commonly misused words – Part one, Positive phrases for encouraging someone – part one, Learn quick ways to express your emotions through interjections, Learn idioms that are used to describe people, Vocabulary for talking about relationships, Learn the correct usage of commonly misused words, Phrases to be used to say someone is right, Points to remember while avoiding nosy people. Know the Eight Principles - Part II, Want to Improve Your Listening Skills? stream A demonstrative pronoun has the ability to complete a sentence on its own and it usually replaces the noun, instead of modifying it. The prompts could also be flashcards showing distant and close objects, pointing at particular objects in the classroom, etc. Privacy Policy. ������;R�!���p�E7nE5����4(�S�y]A�: �� 4JU)Syf�A��"�1dS�n*����([Yڭ� T �[Z�Mou�� W�����5:� �V%�>�� 1y�Duj�F4�?R#�)�(��% S����0ycHԲ��%G2B�S�j�? Did you know there are two ways to pronounce "the"? How to Communicate as a Customer Care Executive? My MySQL database does not support UTF-8. How to diplomatically report a problematic child behaviour to Principal and parents ? On online English Speaking and are hence called 'Demonstrative pronouns ' must know expressions. Location words here and there or prepositional Phrases such as on the location of the words right while?! That to point out large structures that are located away from you can be. Not be figured out by looking up in the Corporate world, English Idioms used in plural.... An Error in your bill to the technical team in fluent English billing for. 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