If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Mark is a history writer based in Italy. Aurelius tells Maximus that he has not been corrupted by the politics, were as Commodus is not a moral man and he must not rule. Proximo is paid signifying that he profits from the gladiators death. If you win the crowd you win your freedom. Commodus idea of the Senate is what made Marcus Aurelius make Maximus the protector of Rome after he dies, Maximus had not been corrupted by the politics, Commodus is not a moral man and therefore he must not rule. Magnus Maximus (c. 355 - August 28, 388 CE) was a Roman usurper and Western Roman Emperor from 383-388 CE. Gladiators were slaves, criminals or prisoners that fought each other or wild animals to amuse the bloodthirsty spectators. Some time later, Juba, now free, buries Maximus' two small figurines of his wife and son in the ground where Maximus died, promising to see Maximus in the afterlife. Maximus later survives an indirect attack on his life when he's forced into a match against Tigris of Gaul (Sven-Ole Thorsen), Rome's only undefeated gladiator. Lucilla was grateful to see Maximus alive and arranged a to secretly meet him. Maximus denied Lucillas help and proclaimed that the man she once knew was gone. When they do, they are "exotic markers of truly lavish spectacle". He ordered for Quintis to release the gladiators and Senator Gracchus, he then collapsed onto the bloody sand, Lucilla quickly ran to help him, there dying laid the protector Rome in her arms. When the rules or constitution, of Roman government were first worked out, there was no word for emperor. One dates to c. 1280 BCE and was taken by Augustus from Heliopolis in Egypt in 10 BCE. The Praetorian guards immediately stormed to obstruct Maximus plan, while the gladiators fought, this caused a distraction and helped Maximus escaped. Maximus' body is carried out and the people watch as a sign of respect. Horses too became famous and much followed by the knowledgeable crowd. At its largest during the 1st century CE following its rebuilding after the fire of 64 CE, the Circus had a capacity for 250,000 spectators seated on banks 30 m wide and 28 m high. Victorious charioteers not only became rich with large cash prizes but they also became the darlings of the crowd. However, the latter two were re-covered and now lie some 9 m under the present ground level. However, the crowd votes for him to live and Commodus spares Maximus to appease them. Maximus escaped the city walls only to witness Cicero being slain and he is captured to be turn over to Commodus. Maximus fell in a deep trance and began to see visions, he saw his own hand on the gate, pushing it open and reuniting with his wife and son as they smiled at him. Circus Maximus [Present Day]by Mark Cartwright (CC BY-NC-SA). In addition, Rome had many other games and up to 20 of these had one day or more at the Circus Maximus. Commodus came in smiling and snickering proclaiming that Maximus was the general who became a slave, the slave who became a gladiator and the gladiator who defied an Empire. There he is purchased by Proximo, the head of a gladiator school and former gladiator. Soon thereafter, Maximus conspires with Lucilla (Connie Nielsen), Commodus' sister, and the senator Gracchus (Derek Jacobi), to rejoin with his army and topple Commodus by force. As Senator Gracchus proclaimed the beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the Senate it is the sand of the Colosseum. This proclamation is important because Commodus will bring death and he will be loved for that. After Maximus buries his wife and son, he grieves succumbing to exhaustion and collapses on their graves. Commodus did not share his fathers perspective that power should be given back to the people of Rome and end the corruption that cripples it.