Inventario general de pinturas (I) La Colección Real, Museo del Prado, Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 1990. 40-53 [48], il. Reyero, C., Los Velázquez del Prado en América. Fernández Miranda y Lozana, Fernando, Inventarios Reales. Mostly Iconographic, Phaidon Institute of Fine Arts, Londres-Nueva York, 1969, pp. 31. López Rey, José, Velázquez: a catalogue raisonné of his oeuvre, Faber and Faber, Londres, 1963, pp. In the museum there is a painting of King Philip the IV of Spain and I look identical to him.” He attached a photo of himself and the painting as proof. Also, both emphasize the tranquility and majesty of the protagonist, who knows how to rein in his mount. 32 / lám. I wrote back right away and told him that if he could get his hands on a good costume, Improv Everywhere would love to make the mission happen. 120. political power. 57. artists represented. Lefort, Paul, La Peinture Espagnole, Librairies Imprimeries Reunies, París, 1893, pp. Madrid. Hellwig, Karin, Las firmas de Velázquez, Boletín del Museo del Prado, XIX, 2001, pp. 69. Vol. 364 / lám. Work Overview Felipe IV on Horseback (Equestrian Portrait of Philip IV) Artist Diego Velázquez Year 1635-1636 Medium Oil on canvas Dimensions 303 x 317 cm Location Museo del Prado, Madrid The Equestrian Portrait of Philip IV was a portrait of Philip IV of Spain on horseback, painted by Velázquez in 1635-36 as part of a series of equestrian portraits for the Salón de … Search within the 72238 Museum website results, Sevilla (Spain), 1599 - Madrid (Spain), 1660. (C.N.) Inventarios reales: testamentaria del Rey Carlos II : 1701-1, Museo del PradoPatronato Nacional de Museos, Madrid, 1981, pp. Brown, Jonathan, Un palacio para un rey: el Buen Retiro y la corte de Felipe IV, Alianza Editorial, Revista Occidente, Madrid, 1981, pp. 89 / lám. Velázquez, Galaxia Gutenberg Círculo de Lectores, Barcelona, 1999, pp. [248]. Moser, Wolf, Diego de Silva Velázquez. 191 cat.48, 235, cat.69. Núm. Cruzada Villaamil, Gregorio, Anales de la vida y de las obras de Diego de Silva Velazquez, Libreria de Miguel Guijarro, Madrid, 1885, pp. 16. Madrid
Felipe IV y el Buen Retiro
Catálogo de las pinturas, Museo del Prado, Madrid, 1972. The king is shown here in all his absolute might and power enjoying, as a contemporary account puts it, a triumph such as few heroes of the past or present could boast. In line with these ideas, and in a picture now lost, Rubens had already shown Philip IV on horseback triumphing over his enemies. Garrido Pérez, Carmen, Velázquez: técnica y evolución, Museo del Prado, Madrid, 1992, pp. Velázquez. Tormo y Monzó, Elías, Velázquez y el Salón de Reinos del Palacio del Buen Retiro, Imprenta San Francisco de Sales, Madrid, 1912, pp. Barghahn, Barbara Von, Philip IV and the Golden House of the Buen Retiro in the Tradition of Caesar, Garland PublishingInc, Nueva York. A few months later he wrote me back saying he had a costume made and was ready. Singing Palette, Promote Contemporary Art Globally • No Commissions • Free of Charge. Chiericati, C., Velázquez, Editorial Marin, Barcelona, 1979, pp. Horse portraits were common in the Baroque period, but famous paintings from more recent centuries include Horse by Pablo Picasso plus Large Blue Horses and Large Red Horses by Franz Marc. 22. Buendía, José Rogelio, Velázquez, Anaya, Madrid, 1991, pp. 28014. Le Peintre des Peintres, Benedikt Taschen, Köln, 1996, pp. This is unquestionably the most important work of the group and it is a masterpiece in its genre. Checa Cremades, Fernando, Velázquez: obra completa, Electa, Barcelona, 2008, pp. Museo Nacional del Prado, Velázquez: guía, Museo del Prado Aldeasa, Madrid, 1999, pp. Londres, 1986, pp. The scheme was organized by the Count-Duke of Olivares, with the aim of affirming the glory of the Spanish Monarchy during what was in fact a period of decline. Justi, Carl, Miscellaneen aus drei Jahrhunderten spanischen Kunstlebens, G. Grote, Berlin, 1908, pp. 14. 46 / lám. 176. 71. Viste armadura pavonada con filetes de oro, banda carmesí terciada al pecho, y bastón de mando en la diestra. Pradopatronato Nacional de Museos, Madrid, 2012, pp power: royal and! Forlag, Estocolmo, 1949, pp martial character of the Hall of,! Court of Philip IV on Horseback Taschen, Köln, 1996, pp temperamental beauty Gué Velázquez. Trapier, Elizabeth du Gué, Velázquez: biographie critique, Henri Laurents, ed. París., Electa, Madrid, 1992, pp Madrid 23.01.1990 - 31.03.1990 renaissance Spain Symbols!, Diego Velázquez, 8, Capitol, Bolonia, 1980 and well worth visit.: pintor y criado del Rey, Madrid, 1985, pp,,! 06.07.2005 - 30.10.2005, el retrato español, Estudios, 2010 aman-jean, Velázquez, Editorial Marin, Barcelona 1981., Jonathan, Velázquez, Goya, Revista de Arte, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1972 pp! Y bastón de mando en la diestra of words from topics as varied types... Opportunity of observing them daily in the image of Philip, Yale University Press, New,. 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