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Copyright © 2005 - 2020 タイムゾーンの略語 Time Changes in Vancouver Over the Years Daylight Saving Time (DST) changes do not necessarily occur on the same date every year. -7:00 hours during Pacific Daylight Time, currently in use. Vancouver, British Columbia ends Daylight Saving Time on YOU MAY REVIEW OUR, Pacific Standard Time - is abbreviated as PST, Vancouver, British Columbia is GMT/UTC - 8h during Standard Time. Vancouver, British Columbia Local Time Details Time Zone Abbreviations Pacific Standard Time - is abbreviated as PST Pacific Daylight Time - is abbreviated as PDT UTC - GMT Offset Vancouver, British Columbia is GMT/UTC - 8h 正確な時刻、タイム ゾーン、UTC/GMT と アメリカ太平洋夏時間 (PDT) 重要な事実へのオフセットします。 PDT(アメリカ太平洋夏時間)は、UTC(世界協定時刻)7時間遅れてUTC-7タイムゾーンのよく知られた名前の1つです。 Vancouver, British Columbia starts Daylight Saving Time on November 3 at 01:00 local time. -8:00 hours during Pacific Standard Time. Time Zone Abbreviation & Name Example City Current Time UTC -7 PDT Pacific Daylight Time Vancouver Tue, 10:08:31 pm MST Mountain Standard Time Fort St. John Tue, 10:08:31 pm UTC -6 MDT Mountain Daylight Time Tue, 地図サイズ:480ピクセル X 300ピクセル カナダの時差(6種類) ニューファンドランド標準時(NST、UTC-3:30)日本時間からマイナス12.5時間 セントジョーンズ ニューファンドランド・ラブラドール州(ニューファンドランド島、ラブラドール半島南端部) Time zone changes for: Recent/upcoming years 2020 — 2029 2010 — 2019 2000 — 2009 1990 — 1999 1980 — 1989 1970 — 1979 1960 — 1969 1950 — 1959 1925 — 1949 1900 — 1924 1850 — 1899 1800 — 1849 Want to convert Vancouver time to different time zone? Currently Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), UTC -7 Standard time (Pacific Standard Time (PST), UTC -8) starts November 1, 2020 The IANA time zone identifier for Vancouver is America/Vancouver. March 8 at 01:59 local time. What is アメリカ太平洋夏時間: abbreviation, main facts, offsets, and other information about the time zone. Time Zone Lookup by Canada Provinces and Territories with Current Times, WE RESPECT YOUR PRIVACY. Time zones PDT, GMT-07:00, America/Vancouver. Vancouver, British Columbia does utilize Daylight Saving Time. (PDT). Additionally you can select one of our popular time converters, allowing convert Vancouver PDT timezone to Vancouver, British Columbia starts Daylight Saving Time on, Vancouver, British Columbia ends Daylight Saving Time on, View Current Times in All British Columbia Cities and Towns, Central America - Time Zones and Current Times, Central America - Time Zone Abbreviations, Central America - View Individual Countries, Middle East - Time Zones and Current Times, South America - Time Zones and Current Times, South America - View Individual Countries. Sunday November 1, 2020 at 2:00 AM local time. GMT, PST, EST, CET, CST, EDT, IST, BST, CEST, CDT timezones. 全著作権所有, 7時間遅れて (. Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time. 世界時計 will help you find and compare Vancouver time to any time zone or city around the world. Vancouver UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving, facts and alternative names November 3 at 01:00 local time. DST ends annually on the same date and time.. Clocks are turned 1 hour backward. Current local time in Vancouver, Canada Monday, 05 Oct 2020 04:02 AM Standard Time Zone: GMT/UTC - 08:00 hour Daylight Saving Time: DST in use +1 hour Current Time Zone offset: GMT/UTC - 7:00Vancouver. Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time. Sunday March 8, 2020 at 2:00 AM local time. アメリカ太平洋夏時間, PDT(アメリカ太平洋夏時間)は、UTC(世界協定時刻)7時間遅れてUTC-7タイムゾーンのよく知られた名前の1つです。UTCからの時間オフセットは-07:00と書くことができます。, これは夏時間として使用されます。冬にはPST - アメリカ太平洋標準時(UTC-8)が使用されています。. Our PDT Time Zone Converter Sunday, 11 October 2020 DST starts annually on the same date and time.. Clocks are turned 1 hour forward. Current local time in Vancouver, Canada. Ban'kouber, Fankuver, Fankûver, Vancouver, Vancover, Vancuverium, Vancôver, Vanguve, Vangúve, Vankuver, Vankuvera, Vankuveris, Vankuvero, Vankuvur, Vankūvera, Venkuver, Venkûver, Wankuwer, Wankuwér, YVR, baenkubeo, bankuba, bankuba shi, bhyanakubhara, fankwfr, vainakuvara, vainkuvara, vankuvar, vhamkuvhara, wen ge hua, wnkwwr, wnkwwr brytysh klmbya, wnqwbr, wynkwwr, Βανκούβερ, Ванкувер, Ванкувър, Վանկուվեր, ונקובר, فانكوفر, ونکوور, ونکوور، بریتیش کلمبیا, وینکوور, वैंकूवर, व्हँकूव्हर, ভ্যানকুভার, ਵੈਨਕੂਵਰ, வான்கூவர், แวนคูเวอร์, ཝན་ཁུ་ཝེར།, ဗန်ကူးဗားမြို့, ვანკუვერი, ቫንኩቨር, バンクーバー, バンクーバー市, 溫哥華, 밴쿠버, 49° 14' N Latitude / 123° 07' W Longitude.