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6: Luke 22:39-71Oct. Elizabeth Arnold to discuss Luke 1–16.Elizabeth is ordained in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. We have crafted a Small Group Facilitator’s Guide for The Bible Project 2020 that you can use to lead a small group through a discussion at any time in The Bible Project 2020. 12: Matthew 27:1-31Sept. 30: Luke 6:12-42Oct. Each week you’ll hear an interview with a pastor or expert about the Bible, going from Genesis through to Revelation. arrow_back_ios. © 2019-2020 ForAllThings.Bible is an initiative of. 22: Habakkuk 1:1-13Aug. On this week’s episode, Chris Hockman and Mat Hotho sit down with Rev. Subscribe here: Find out more at, Episode 41 // Luke 17–24 // Rev. Together, we’ll journey through the Bible in one year while reading devotionals written by our Foothills family. Each week you'll hear an interview with a pastor or expert about the … May 19 - Tuesday. 13: John 4:1-42Oct. Each book includes videos specifically designed to enhance your understanding and engagement with God's Word. 13: Matthew 26:1-75, How can we believe in God’s story? 6: Matthew 13:3-43, How does Jesus promote holiness over hypocrisy? The first reading will appear Jan 1, after the project … 30: Matthew 1:1-2:23, What does the kingdom of God look like? Use the button below to go to the E-mail Subscriptions page in your Dashboard. Once you have one of these apps installed on your device, just search “Bible Project 2020” to subscribe to the podcast. 14: John 5:1-6:21Oct. Facilitating a small group? 22: Mark 15:1-47Sept. Additionally, our preachers will provide reflection questions to help you dive deeper into the sermons on your own or with a small group each week. Please note the electronic copy is intended to be printed as a landscape, 8.5×11 packet either single- or double-sided, not as a booklet. 9: Matthew 18:1-35Sept. Copyright © 2015 - 2020 Hyde Park United Methodist Church | Site by Faithlab, News from The Judeo Christian Health Clinic. How can we follow them?Oct. How can I say “yes” to God?Aug. 9: Luke 23:1-56Oct. 2: Luke 11:37-12:59Oct. 28: Luke 4:1-44Sept. What does he do? 17: Mark 3:1-35Sept. 27: Malachi 1:1-14Aug. Themes Trace key biblical themes through the entire narrative of the Bible. May 21 - Thursday. 8: Matthew 16:1-18:35Sept. 16: John 13:1-38 Oct. 17: John 15:1-27 Oct. 18: John 16:1-33. 25: Zechariah 1:1-6; 11:1-17Aug. 1: Luke 10:1-11:36Oct. 6: Matthew 13:1-58, How does Jesus promote holiness over hypocrisy? In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Elizabeth Arnold. 18: Mark 7:1-8:38Sept. The FOCUSed15 podcast is full of Bible study tools and tips in 15 minute…, Daily Mass Readings from the Catholic Lectionary, based on the New American…. Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Not sure where to start? 20: Micah 2:1-13Aug. 10: Luke 24:36-53Oct. 27: Luke 2:21-51, Who is Jesus? 15: John 11:1-46Oct. What does he teach?Sept. This series has been an excellent companion as we journey through the Bible together as a congregation. Read the entire Bible, every word! 19: Mark 8:1-38Sept. 28: Luke 6:1-49Sept. 5: Matthew 11:1-12:50Sept. Thank you for this perspective on apocalyptic literature. Each week you’ll hear an interview with a pastor or expert about the Bible, going from Genesis through to Revelation. 15: John 6:22-7:9Oct. May 23 - Saturday. Vulnerable? Download the facilitator’s guide here.Download a confidentiality and accountability document for the first meeting here.For instructions on how to find your class roster, download the Class Roster and Participation list.Download the yearly reading plan.Watch the facilitator training video.Magrey’s Comments on the Project. Each week, Mat and his guests seek to bring fresh insights and applications to that week’s Scripture Readings. 10: Matthew 26:1-35Sept. The Internet is huge! 8: Luke 22:1-71Oct. Canon Dr. Christopher Corbin to discuss Matthew 14–28. 24: Haggai 1:1-7; 2:10-30Aug. For All Things Bible is showcasing useful and interesting Bible websites on the internet.