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That will leave the crowd feeling inspired and happy to be a part of the occasion. When in doubt, remove a story or joke. You might be talking, but the spotlight should be on the person youre toasting. Reaching across, you could lose your balance, land in someones lap, and six months later weve got another wedding to prepare a toast for! Your overall tone should should be uplifting, humorous, complimentary, and sprinkled with sentiment to help balance it out. Our Expert Agrees: When you're writing a best man's speech, keep it short and sweet, and even if your speech includes lighthearted jokes at the couple, end it on a positive note. By keeping your ending simple, you can make it strong and memorable as well. Privacy Policy. Avoid reading from a script. Oh, and youll probably want to practice it a few times before the big day. Then clink your glass with someone nearby, take a sip and head back to your seat! The first step, before you even begin to write the toast, is to brainstorm a few ideas so that you have some material to choose from. Of course, Lazebnik recommends you dont overdo it with the stories either: Toasters often ramble from one anecdote to the next, turning their speech into a trail mix of stories, frustrating listeners desperate to find an M&M. Now you can get the top stories from Lifehacker delivered to your inbox. This article has been viewed 26,003 times. Figuring out how to write a wedding toast can be an incredibly intimidating and nerve-inducing task. How to End a Wedding Toast. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. End your speech on a positive note, including a toast, quick joke, or well-wishes for the couple. For a serious ending, say something like, Heres to a lifetime of love and fulfillment.. Before you deliver your toast, be sure that everyone has already had his glass filled. Enter your email below. Lastly, the bride and groom are not expected to drink. She highlights the difference between a decent clink and a great clink you might hear at a wedding: Only OK Clink: Lift your glasses in a toast to the bride and groom and their family. Being positive and upbeat can help you recover. If they look unhappy, change to a different tactic. Whether youre in the wedding party, or just toasting someones success at a nice dinner, heres how to give a classy toast and look great doing it. If you dont dedicate a separate line to the toast, clearly indicate that the end of your speech is coming. Dont worry if you dont know the groom very well. Your support helps wikiHow to create more in-depth illustrated articles and videos and to share our trusted brand of instructional content with millions of people all over the world. After your closing line, raise your glass and toast to the bride and groom. Related Topics: Toasts. When you are finished with the toast, dont forget to raise your glass again and nod first towards the audience and then towards the bride and groom. You can always print or write out speech notes on notecards. Most of the toast should be delivered to the eyes of the bride and groom, but some eye contact can be shared with everyone. Do you know how to make a proper toast? Were talking about a wedding toast not a wedding roast. Shes the author of Smart Talk: The Public Speaker's Guide to Success in Every Situation, as well as Ace Your Interview, Powerful Presenter, and Expert Presenter. I do understand that finding the right words can be difficult, especially when youre stressed out by all of your other wedding obligations.