Contact Us Die Fälle ist interessant und anders als jede Saison. And you don’t need the assistance of a sherpa to get to it. Hotels in der Nähe von (IAG) Intl. It has playground areas, tennis and basketball courts, and ample picnic shelter. Great place - quiet and scenic You won't regret stopping in at the Akron Falls Park-it's character and peacefulness will stay with you even after you leave. Wenn Sie in einem anderen Land oder in einer anderen Region leben, wählen Sie über das Drop-down-Menü bitte die Tripadvisor-Website in der entsprechenden Sprache aus. Diese Version unserer Website wendet sich an Deutschsprachige Reisende in Deutschland. Much of the Conservation Foot Trail is on privately owned land. The platform to see the waterfall is nice. The area immediately adjacent to and including the village of Akron belonged to that segment of the Iroquois Indians known as the "Seneca". These cultures lasted until approximately 1650, when the Iroquois Nation absorbed the tribes. I walked from the falls to the west end of the park easily, passing lots of kids fishing and families picnicking. ! In addition, you can visit the Rock Garden with its decorative shrubbery. Abgesehen davon ist es, dies ist ein schöner Park und es lohnt sich. Klicken Sie hier, um mehr zu erfahren oder Ihre Einstellungen zu ändern. Das kostenlose Parken ist sehr schön mit kurzen Wanderwege und alles ist familienfreundlich. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. When we went, in … Es gibt zwei gepflasterte Strassen mit einem ziemlich hügelig Hügel zu erklimmen, auch. Basierend auf von Ihnen angesehenen Einträgen, Datenschutzerklärung und Verwendung von Cookies, Hotels in der Nähe von First United Methodist Church, Hotels in der Nähe von (BUF) Intl. Es ist ein Muss wenn man. diese Aktivität. In addition to it's cultural history and charms, Akron Falls Park is also the setting of a beautiful, yet tragic love story. In 1798, the Holland Land Company transformed the Great Central Trail (the Iroquois trail which passed from Albany through Akron) into a rutted wagon road for ambitious pioneers. This park is unexpectedly large. The Foothill Trail Club, formed in 1962,continued this trail. Leider sind an den von Ihnen gewählten Daten keine Touren oder Aktivitäten verfügbar. Bitte geben Sie ein anderes Datum ein. This road was called the "Buffalo Road" and it became the first wagon trail in Erie County. In the middle section, the creek comes out of the rocks about 20 feet up. Please respect the property rights of these landowners when hiking these areas. Click here to learn The Legend of Murder Creek. Beste Zeit für einen Besuch ist April! und sicher. Diese Bewertungen wurden maschinell aus dem Englischen übersetzt. Aber bitte geben Sie nicht das Wasser. There are three distinct parts to the falls. Erie County Parks, Recreation and Forestry, Erie County Parks, Recreation and Forestry » Akron Falls. Flughafen Niagara Falls; Alle Aktivitäten in Akron; Aktivitäten in der Nähe von Akron Falls Park. Is this attraction a good place to visit on a, Is this a romantic place or activity that you would suggest for, Is this a must-do if you are traveling with a, Would you recommend this place or activity to a friend looking for an, Is this a place or activity you would suggest for, Are the prices for this place or activity, We visited this park for the first time ever in July -- about a week after very heavy rains. Various areas of the park had nice playsets for kids. Diese Website verwendet Cookies, um Ihr Benutzererlebnis zu verbessern, die Sicherheit der Seite zu verstärken und Ihnen personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. In 1961, Mabel H. James, the last conservationist and teacher pictured a hiking trail extending from Pennsylvania to Canada and started a section of trail near Holland, NY. Viele Picknick-Bereiche, Spielgeräte. Here you can breathe the mystical breeze as the water cascades over the falls especially in the fall season. The hiking trail along the creek was very scenic and the waterfalls is quite beautiful. The falls were just roaring and the creek was swirling - very nice. Hotels near First United Methodist Church, Hotels near (BUF) Buffalo Niagara Intl Airport, Hotels near (ROC) Greater Rochester International Airport, Hotels near (IAG) Niagara Falls Intl Airport, The Clarence Historical Society and Museum. This path is partially wooded, part open. Die Pfade zu den Ausgangspunkt sind die Fälle und Blick auf die ist beliebt bei Hochzeitsfotografen. The path to the waterfall is paved but bumpy and single-file only. Akron Falls is a complicated waterfall whose appearance depends greatly on the amount of water.