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Bullet Camping The Junior Ranger Night Explorer Program is now available at Dry Tortugas National Park! Exhibits in one casemate cover the military history of the park, and a number of artifacts found on the island are on display. The exhibits are housed inside the old Thompson Fish House (itself on the National Register of Historic Places) where the daily catch of the local fishing fleet was once processed. Meet outside the fort at the moat bridge. Il se trouve à 108 km à l'ouest de Key West, dans le Golfe du Mexique. In most cases, the visitor center is the first place where you stop; the central focus of the park; a place where you come for information or to sign up for tours. Complete the activities and bring the Handbook back to the visitor center to be awarded an official Historic Preservation Junior Ranger badge. Just follow the signs with the Civil War soldier on them. A Florida fishing license is required. The film loops over and over, so just keep watching until you get back around to where you started. The Dry Tortugas Visitor Center is located within the fort. Download it here. Birds of the Dry TortugasDry Tortugas CampingDry Tortugas FishingDry Tortugas FerryDry Tortugas KayakingDry Tortugas SeaplaneDry Tortugas WeatherFort Jefferson Visitor CenterKey WestLoggerhead KeySea Turtles of Dry TortugasSnorkeling Dry Tortugas, Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Advertise | Contact, National Historic Sites and Historical Parks. Activities include: People of the Underground Railroad, Travel Routes, Glossary of Terms and much more. There is an announcement board on the dock or check at the visitor center for dates and times of ranger-guided tours. Tayrona is located on the Caribbean coast, 35km from Santa Marta, and is one of Colombia’s most famous National Parks. We visited the Dry Tortugas Visitor Center located inside Fort Jefferson known as the Bookstore. From the geysers on the bottom of Yellowstone Lake and the coral reefs of the Dry Tortugas, the National Parks have much to offer recreational divers. Kids can learn all about the habitats, history and animals around Fort Jefferson while becoming a Junior Ranger. Complete the activities and bring the Handbook back to the visitor center to be awarded an official Dry Tortugas Junior Ranger badge. This Junior Ranger Activity Booklet, created by the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program, has a wealth of activities, mainly for children, however adults can participate and learn right along with kids. This was some of the gear used by the soldiers: The fort was important because it allows the cannons to protect two nearby deepwater anchorages of strategic importance in the Gulf of Mexico.