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You can use it to create Illusions of dangerous units (like Mountain Giants) to make the enemy think you have more than you have. This Exclusive Gift Set includes the WarCraft III: Reign Of Chaos game, the Wand of Mana Stealing (Warcraft III) Wand of Negation. C. Circlet of Nobility. Games. Chapter Four: The Fires Down Below** 7. Each item only takes one space in the inventory. Hero Items have 75 hit points. This is a list of all campaigns and their chapters/missions in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blood Key. Experience the epic origin stories of Warcraft, now more stunning and evocative than ever before. You can use Illusions to trick the enemy into chasing the Illusion rather than your real army. Boots of Speed (Warcraft III) Bracer of Agility. Chapter Three: Riders on the Storm** 6. Claws of Attack. Bundle of Lumber. Categories: Items. There are no items that take more than one inventory space. Chapter Five: Countdown to Extinction** * These are not part of the demo version of th If you beat the final Night Elves mission on Hard mode, there will be an extra scene in the ending that shows what several Starcraft (and an Orc in a space suit) units would look like on Warcraft 3's engine. News. Chapter One: Chasing Visions* 4. 0. Chapter Two: Departures* 5. Shop. Book of the Dead (Warcraft III) Boots of Elvenkind +6. I'll improve translation eventually but for now, the map has a lot of machine translation along with just thousand of mistakes. You can create Illusions of weak Heroes that the enemy might be after such as the Archmage. Wirt's Other Leg. Retrieved from " ". Update 3/3/2020 Finally we can introduce the English version of the map. Attack and destroy any items you cannot carry rather than leaving them for the enemy. Wand of Illusion. Menu. Esports %SIMPLE_LABEL% Support. My Cinematic: Thrall's Vision* 3. (Note: This is NOT a scene from Starcraft 2, it is just an example of what Starcraft units would look like on WC3's engine, nothing more.) Wand of Neutralization (Warcraft III) Wand of the Wind. This item is very useful. Introduction: The Prophecy* 2. Exodus of the Horde 1.