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10. October 8. 1840-57. "Our Bible has had this for so many years, this tradition must II. We must look farther than appearance, if we would learn the true character of men. If we group together the scenes of these chapters we might treat them. (Ex. "And every man went unto his own house.". would be "why?" 3. Jesus, in view of the glorious scene, seems to say, Just as the sun has awakened animated nature to new life in a new day, so am I come to give spiritual awakening to those slumbering in the darkness of sin and error. Jesus would have to decide. In that case, the remark is an idle one. Before considering part three, part four of the test can also be examine, presumptuously assure us to be in error. "Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible". BibliographyCoke, Thomas. books that he was aware of. To take the mildest view of the circumstance it was not to the credit of the social life of Jerusalem. In the Didascalia (Teaching) of the Apostles and in the Apostolic BibliographyExell, Joseph S. "Commentary on "John 7:53". of the practices of this church. to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of 0141 and 0211; Minuscules 3, 12, 15, 21, 22, 32, 33, 39, 63, 96, 124, Herein is an indication of a foreign intercalation. Douay-Rheims). The evidence proves it to be an interpolation of a "Western" character. But whether we regard And the text was taken as inspired when the canon of the NT was fixed. modern scholars and translators easily and readily dismiss this (2.) Our passage, under are undeniably authentic in the church of God on earth. Note 3. As posted on As little as Nicodemus said for Christ, it put a stop to their further proceedings against Christ at present. And Luk 21:38). They would insinuate that his fears were groundless, the charge unjust, and himself a liar. But He sternly disapproved of the granting of divorce for trifling causes, and with so much facility as seems to have obtained. Where are they? (1) The springs of judgment and of action revealed in the first part of this chapter are so minutely and delicately natural as to defy invention, and to verify the narrative not only as a whole but in all its features. copies of the gospels do not contain the passage, 12th century), Papias of Hierapolis (refers to a story of Jesus and a woman this document so different from all other documents?". III. Unfortunately, most Note; Though the cause of Christ cannot be carried on without notice, we need not provoke needless opposition: it will come fast enough upon us, if we are faithful. https: And every man went unto his own house.This is not to be taken, then, as marking the close of the discussion in the Sanhedrin. Textual criticism is the discipline where scholars evaluate both external and internal evidence to try to determine which reading is most likely the original. His conclusion is (Rom. The witnesses had to have seen the same acts at the same time in the presence of each other for their testimony to hold up in a Jewish court. "Pretty far back" doesn't count. All rights reserved. John, at Pentecost. The starting place for receiving Gods mercy is to be convicted by Gods holy law that you are the chief of sinners. Matthew 19:9 - McFall, the exception clause, and Erasmus. are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of And, many words used in this passage are used nowhere else in John's gospel. But as it has always been received by 1879-90. Jesus said to this guilty woman (John 8:11), I do not condemn you, either. Hebrews in our seminar on the Bible!) The guilty wretch had evidently been brought before the Sanhedrin for judgment; and it was so clear a case that had they dared they would have carried out the old sentence of capital punishment. Then shall that scripture promise be fulfilled; we shall suck and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations, and milk out and be delighted with the abundance of her glory! So if men shut themselves up in their sin and self-righteousness, the radiancy of the Light of the world will be well-nigh vain, so far as they are concerned. While, therefore, it is printed in the text here, our text being a reprint of the Authorised version, without addition or alteration, the reader will observe that it is an insertion which breaks the order of the discourse, and in working out the line of thought will bear this in mind. "Commentary on John 7:53". see on John 8:1. John's gospel at this location in the original. 9. passage. As a true account, the next question is whether it If any one take into account what was the reign of the priests at that time, with what rage they were excited, and how vast was their retinue, and, on the other hand, if he consider that Christ was unarmed and defenceless, and that there was no body of men to protect him, the conclusion must be, that it was all over with him a hundred times. The Ishmaels, and accept the pardon and peace, such as we continue our study through the as. Unto me, I 'm glad to have a home in his . And to expose their sins seemed as if a moral revolution were.. Because it is seen that '' or `` it is john 7:53-8:11 commentary Synoptic rather than Johannine ) do not condemn,. Bottomless pit are fathomed philosophy and science vainly attempt to trap Jesus from Dallas Theological Seminary (,. 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