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“The resources were not being broken down properly to meet people where they were and organizations didn’t have capacity to break it down.”. Number of Employees: 1,447. While that number is fairly low amongst the country, the state does boast a whopping 18% of black residents that have received a bachelor’s degree. The complete list of how supportive each state ranks is listed in the table below. Wisconsin boasts the highest number of black-owned businesses on this list, but it’s not enough to keep it off the top 10. The Legislature did pass legislation in 2017 that eliminated a licensing requirement for African-style natural hair braiders, which helped the immigrant community earn some cash, acknowledges Fenestor. He says the experiences of Black residents and New Hampshire’s demographics demonstrate that point. Education: 15 Just over the border, Carter-Knight didn’t think of the move beyond the logistics. While that number is fairly low amongst the country, the state does boast a whopping 18% of black residents that have received a bachelor’s degree. 7 spot of being least supportive comes as no surprise. He wrote a letter to the governor, signed by business and organizational leaders, about how business owners confused the grant funds of the Main Street program with the Paycheck Protection Program loans. That has since grown to about five. If there are jobs available in the client’s career field, the algorithm will determine the client is ineligible for Pathway to Work, he says. Grand Prairie, Texas 75052 Soon after, she decided to settle down and raise a family in New Hampshire, where she now runs her firm, Drinkwater Marketing, in Exeter. Black-Owned Businesses: 1,044 Black-Owned Businesses: 751 “High-skilled people of color [have] found it hard to stay here,” says Mwano, whose pastor connected him at one point with a British doctor of African descent who was recruited to New Hampshire for a job. However, businesses don’t grow in a vacuum. United States, Singy's Plant Medicinals is the hemp based CBD, 3300 Hamilton Mill Rd When the CARES Act funds were first rolled out, many barber shops, restaurants, cleaning services, gas stations and other businesses owned by people of color and immigrants in Manchester were left out, says Mwano, who heard this anecdotally. Prompted by the death of George Floyd and resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement, Granite Staters are expressing renewed vigor in addressing diversity, equity and inclusion in their workplace, community and state government advisory groups. Number of black owned businesses per capita, The amount of people employed by black owned businesses, Percent of black residents with a bachelor’s degree or higher. To live in the Granite State, Black residents have to overcome the uncomfortableness of standing out in a crowd, says Rogers. Due to too small of sample size in the Small Business Survey, Wyoming, Vermont, Connecticut, and Maine were excluded from our rankings. Fenestor talked about her experience working with DL Roope, an outside consultant hired by the state Board of Barbering, Cosmetology and Esthetics to implement the cosmetology licensing exams. “At the end of the training I noticed that there was another section of the training manual that tests on ethnic hair. Kettia Fenestor, owner of Robesteurs Unisex Salon, says the cosmetology exam in New Hampshire does not cover ethnic hair. | Website Designed by No results were found matching your selection. “The first time the PPP came out, a lot of minority businesses I knew did not apply for PPP,” he says. Recent Reviews. Black-Owned Businesses: 196 Mwano recently led trainings for groups of 250 to nearly 300 people for local recovery centers and Northeast Delta Dental. 6 least supportive of black-owned businesses. Search our New Hampshire, United States Black Owned Business database and connect with the best Black Owned Businesses and other Black Owned Business Professionals in New Hampshire… With only 7% of businesses in America being black-owned, we found out which states are not supporting the growth of that percent. “I’m legally bonded, fully licensed, 15 years of experience.”. “The state board doesn’t say what you can’t teach,” says McKim. Awesome Time!! Sorry, we can't find that. Black-Owned Businesses: 700 Search our Concord, New Hampshire, United States Local Black-Owned Business database and connect with the best Local Black-Owned Businesses and other Local Black-Owned Business Professionals in Concord, New Hampshire, United States. Education: 19 New Hampshire comes in as the fifth least supportive state of black-owned businesses. Originally from Houston, Texas, Davis moved to New Hampshire after he met his future wife, Gayle, who is white, and who he gives credit to for developing a trusting community he was able to become a part of.