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[note 3] Gildas is clear that Constantine's sins were manifold even before this, as he had committed "many adulteries" after casting off his lawfully wedded wife. Constantine does appear in some medieval works. Scholars generally identify Gildas' Constantine with the figure Custennin Gorneu or Custennin Corneu (Constantine of Cornwall) who appears in the genealogies of the kings of Dumnonia. Yet, this still could support it as a trading hub as traders would have been most common in fair weather. Other sites in Southwestern Britain associated with figures named Constantine include the church of Milton Abbot, Devon; a chapel in nearby Dunterton, Devon; and another chapel in Illogan, Cornwall. Taking hints from Geoffrey's version of Arthur's family tree, these writers make Constantine's father Cador a brother, or half-brother, of Arthur through Igraine. Annals of Ulster Life of Saint Petroc ferch Custennin. And biers beyond all number, The traditions of St. Constantine Thou wast born to be King of Cornwall, 0530-Children (4) N. N. Ferch Custennin. ap Custennin, Saint; Meirchion, King of Cerniw and N.N. Grieving at the loss of thy young spouse, The Dumnoni were seamen and miners, both trades were controlled by the Romans, so they had every reason to cooperate with Rome. The former was established by at least the 11th century, as it is mentioned in Rhygyfarch's 11th-century Life of Saint David. wife. Constantine Corneu is considered the dynastic founder of the kingdom of Dumnonia-Cornwall. by his cousin, King Arthur. ap Erbin; Selyf . A brave man from the region of Dyvnaint, For all of Gildas’ rebukes and his later Arthurian reputation, it has been suggested that he is the St Constantine briefly eluded to in some British sources. EBK Home  Kingdoms Occupation: Tintagel, one of the most impressive fortresses in Britain, thrived in the fifth century. Constantine probably succeeded his father, Cado, as King of Dumnonia in the early 6th century. One day, while out hunting a deer, his prey took shelter in St. Petroc’s cell. Katrina Trask's Under King Constantine, an 1892 book comprising three long romantic poems, is set in his reign. Norris J. Custennin St. Constantine ap Cadwy Brenin King of Dumnonia was born circa 520, at birth place, to Cadwy ap Geraint Brenin King of Dumnonia. The annals are silent on Æthelstan’s activities in Cornwall and Devon but William of Malmesbury provides crutial information: Æthelstan “attacked them [the Britons of Dumnonia] with great energy, compelling them to withdraw from Exeter, which until then they had inhabited on a footing of legal equality with the English. Gildas calls Constantine the "tyrannical whelp of the unclean lioness of Damnonia", a reference to the books of Daniel and Revelation, and apparently also a slur directed at his mother. Custennin (Constantine) Cadwy Dumnonia Ap Cadwy was born circa 510, at birth place, to Cadwy Cado ap Geraint of Dumnonia and Ydain ap Geraint (born verch Sartogys). Scholars such as Lloyd Laing and Leslie Alcock note the possibility that Gildas may have instead intended the territory of the Damnonii, a tribe in present-day Scotland mentioned by Ptolemy in the 2nd century, but others such as Thomas D. O'Sullivan consider this unlikely. Bledric ap Custennin Dumnonia abt 0550 - 0613 Bangor-is-Coed, Britain last edited 17 Feb 2017. And after the shout, a fearful return. Constantine probably succeeded his The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records the first really major Anglo-Saxon victory against the south west in 577 when the Gewisse slew three kings — Conomael, Condida, and Farinmael– and took the cities of Gloucester, Bath, and Cirencester effectively cutting Dumnonia off from the rest of Britain by land. 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