Photo: Steve Maslowski . Fragmented forest plots or those with cleared understory (due to deer browsing or human landscaping) are far less attractive to wood thrushes. Erect and robin-like in its posture, the wood thrush sings a multi-pitched and highly variable eeeolay song and utters a whit-whit-whit call when agitated. Many migrate hundreds or thousands of miles. Adult wood thrush upperparts are grayish brown on tail and rump, grading into bright rufous red on head, nape and shoulders. The unique coloring gives it the ability to camouflage with its surroundings. Festival de l'Oie blanche de Montmagny (Snow Goose Festival)Occurs mid-October in Montmagny, Canada », CraneFestOccurs mid-October in Bellevue, Michigan », Wings and Wildflowers FestivalOccurs mid-October in Tavares, Florida », Reelfoot Lake Pelican FestivalOccurs mid-October in Tiptonville, Tennessee », Sandhill Crane & Art FestivalOccurs mid-October in Okemos, Michigan », Get professional advice from the editors of, it is a new world and a free country, and the gates of heaven are not shut against him. Wood Thrush Photo: Kelly Colgan Azar/FlickrCC, identified 33 IBAs throughout Central America. … Legal Notices Privacy Policy Contact Us. Young wood thrushes are ready to fledge two weeks later. The melodious song often begins with several lower notes followed by a ringing “ee-o-lay,” with the second note lower than the others. Call 1-800-392-1111 to report poaching and arson, Turdidae (thrushes) in the order Passeriformes. Setophaga castanea (formerly Dendroica castanea), Black-Capped Chickadee and Carolina Chickadee, Bradley A. The local event resulted in 22 birds tagged in 2014. Home » Learn » Bird Identification Guide » Thrushes & Allies » Wood Thrush. He sings to make men take higher and truer views of things.”. Get Action Alerts when birds need you most! The coloring serves the Wood Thrush well, as they tend to have anxious personalities and are always on alert for predators. Birds need YOU! Through a national climate study, Audubon has identified the Wood Thrush as a climate threatened bird. Wood thrush males do most of their singing at dawn and dusk, and usually from a midlevel perch in the forest. In fall, wood thrushes will feed in forest edge habitats to take advantage of fruits and berries. And with miles of shady, shrubby habitats serving as a winter home to diverse birds and wildlife, the farm has been designated an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International. One of our most widespread migratory birds, the Wood Thrush spends its life making epic journeys between the tropics and the Eastern US, but little is known about the links between specific breeding and wintering populations of this beloved bird. We protect and manage the fish, forest, and wildlife of the state. The 1,706 sq. All live plant shipping is suspended until Spring. Habitat loss is occurring not only in the United States, but also in Central America, where wood thrushes overwinter. A Wood Thrush banded in the wintering grounds made history when it was recovered in Pennsylvania during the breeding season, a breakthrough for migration data collection. Listen for The lilting flute-like song of the wood thrush inspires bird watchers, naturalists, poets, musicians, and humankind in general. Habitats along their migration route are being devastated by fragmentation, pollution and invasive species. Because significant loss of habitat is contributing to the decline, researchers have relied on Important Bird Areas to piece together the puzzle, finding links between Nicaragua and North Carolina. Underparts are white, with large dark spots from the throat to the upper belly and along the sides and flanks. However, the Wood Thrush’s population has decreased by 50 percent in the last four decades, which has made it the second-most rapidly declining songbird in North America. In 1852, Thoreau described what the wood thrush’s song means to humans: “Whenever a man hears it, he is young, and Nature is in her spring . Wood thrushes nest in Missouri soon after their arrival in mid- to late April, and there is often a second brood. Help. Wood Thrushes have unique physical characteristics including a defining feature: bold brown spots on its white chest and brown feathers on the back. Legal. Learn more here. About 350 species of birds are likely to be seen in Missouri, though nearly 400 have been recorded within our borders. Cowbird brood-parasitism is one of the main reasons for their decline. Help secure the future for birds at risk from climate change, habitat loss and other threats. Wood Thrush Pictures, Images and Stock Photos Browse 51 wood thrush stock photos and images available, or search for american beauty rose or washington dc to … Through years of partnerships, trainings and a mutual love of birds, Nicaragua’s Reserva El Jaguar has become a key conservation partner for Audubon NC and the work to save our songbirds. This medium-sized (7 ¾ inches in length) brown thrush has a bright rufous head and neck, olive-brown back and tail, and a white breast with large dark spots. Birds lay hard-shelled eggs (often in a nest), and the parents care for the young. We facilitate and provide opportunity for all citizens to use, enjoy, and learn about these resources. Closer to home, they are at risk for nest predation and window collisions.