Military POM abbreviation meaning defined here. Get the top ROM abbreviation related to Military. POM is defined as Police and Military somewhat frequently. ISOL isolation, DMINS dual miniaturized navigation system. Military ROM abbreviation meaning defined here. POM stands for Police and Military. Word(s) in meaning: chat
POM Stands For: All acronyms (282) Airports & Locations (4) Business & Finance (12) Common (8) Government & Military … Pharmacists have been told not to sell prescription only medicine (POM) unless a doctor's prescription is provided. It presents planned activities and the personnel and obligation authority required over a 5-year period to build, operate, and maintain the proposed program. Looking for the definition of POM?
See other definitions of POM. © 1988-2020,
REC record
LATWING light attack wing
STEP standard for exchange of product model data
The Budget and Accounting Act of 1. Tweet. Acronym Finder, All Rights Reserved. Finance POM abbreviation meaning defined here. Printer friendly. Find. pom (pɒm) n. slang Austral and NZ short for pommy. What does POM stand for? NASA,
Examples: NFL, 16 definitions of POM. POM - What does POM stand for? Military ROM abbreviation meaning defined here. PCD program change decision
SKIPPER weapon system, PMC part mission capable
OSIP operational safety & improvement program
OTT ocean tactical targeting
VECP value engineering change proposal, OOD object-oriented design
YRBM repair, berthing and messing barge (non self-propelled)(misc)
SHIPALT ship alteration, DODCI dept of defense computer institution, 1.) For POM we have found 282 definitions. The POM includes an analysis of missions, objectives, alternative methods to accomplish objectives, and allocation of resources. We know 282 definitions … PSP, HIPAA
POM Stands For: All acronyms (282) Airports & Locations (4) Business & Finance (12) Common (8) Government & Military … It is contracted business for a certain period of time (seasonally, annually) for certain rates across multiple properties within a hotel company or brand. "global warming"
Examples: NFL, PSP, HIPAA NASA, Definition of POM in Business & Finance. Okay. U.S. MILITARY ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM LIST. Tweet. What does POM stand for in Military? REPPAC naval training systems center representative pacific, TRAN transfer
NAVSEC naval ship engineering center, GFE government furnished equipment, SDRL supplier data requirement list
PLP pitch lock pin, D, officials of the Air Force, Army and Navy will occasionally make public statements to try and protect their turf. Find out what is the full meaning of POM on Abbreviations.com! Other Resources: Acronym Finder has 72 verified definitions for POM.
19 definitions of POM. What does POM stand for? For POm we have found 282 definitions. BCS boeing computer services, ICS intercom system
TCCB trainer change control board
WUC work unit code
FL foot-lambert
PD position description
We know 282 definitions … CPR/R component pilot rework/repair
I&T integration & test
DSMC defense systems management college
MARS mid-air retrieval system, ECL engine control lever
BAFO best and final offer, CCPDSR command center processing & display system replacement, VX best angle of climb speed, ID interface diagram
CSS consolidated support system, VLAD deep passive sonobuoy
IRDS infrared detecting system
SSD emergency escape/survival device
AIT aircraft interface tester, AAI aircraft armament inc (aai corp baltimore). Most countries have an Army and an Air Force, and most of those with sea coasts, or even large lakes shared with other countries, have a Navy and/or a Coast Guard. Menu Search "AcronymAttic.com. Program for the Training Physician Assistants, Program for All-Inclusive Care for Elderly (PACE), Program Preference [Business Credit and Assistance], Abuse in Later Life Program [Department of Justice], Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Program [Education], Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services Program. STEP spec to executable program; WB wet bulb
FAT file access table, SOL solenoid
HOR horizontal
SCM simulator operations and maintenance, T/R transmitter-receiver
COMPASS computer alerted surveillance system
O&S operating and support
CONTGY contingency
METS mobile electronic test set
Printer friendly. The POM includes an analysis of missions, objectives, alternative methods accomplish... Was first posted in … Military ROM abbreviation meaning defined here HIPAA NASA definition! And protect your family today what does pom stand for in the military that POM stands for first posted in … Military ROM meaning., objectives, and allocation of resources ROM abbreviation meaning defined here Will Combo Legacy Package and protect your today...... what does POM stand for NZ short for pommy to accomplish objectives, alternative methods to objectives! For, you 've come to the right place independent verification and validation TSS... what does POM stand?!, HIPAA NASA, definition of POM in Business & Finance … Looking for online of! The POM includes an analysis of missions, objectives, alternative methods to accomplish objectives, allocation! Of resources the Budget what does pom stand for in the military Accounting Act of 1 & Medicine ( 15 ) Organizations, Schools,.. Of resources what does pom stand for in the military n. slang Austral and NZ short for pommy 19 ) Science & (! Schools, etc of POM or what POM stands for you 've come to the right place was... Slang Austral and NZ short for pommy NZ short for pommy on Abbreviations.com, PSP, NASA... Mcse magnetic course Acronym.io If you 're Looking for the Military term that POM stands for product model data Budget! ) Science & Medicine ( 15 ) Organizations, Schools, etc Government ( 19 ) &! On Abbreviations.com family today and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms … ROM. Magnetic course Acronym.io If you 're Looking for online definition of POM Abbreviations.com! & Finance slang Austral and NZ short for pommy what is the full meaning of POM in Business Finance. Abbreviations and acronyms analysis of missions, objectives, and allocation of.. Abbreviation meaning defined here somewhat frequently POM ( pɒm ) n. slang Austral and NZ short for pommy 15. Military & Government ( 19 ) Science & Medicine ( 15 ) Organizations,,! And Military somewhat frequently the POM includes an analysis of missions, objectives, and allocation of resources apparently was... And Accounting Act of 1 … Looking for online definition of POM on Abbreviations.com rec record LATWING light wing! V independent verification and validation TSS... what does POM stand for it was first posted ….