Susan’s House is a unique workshop & community center that empowers at-risk teens to find their place within society. Come meet the teens, hear their stories, and see the beautiful pieces they produce. International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. Home / Act / Visit Israel / Visit a Fellowship Project / Susan’s house. It is through this woman-to-woman camaraderie that graduates of Susan’s House learn to live a life of integrity, grace and dignity as sober women in the world. The organization employs teens-at-risk to work in the industrial on-site workshop to create works of art that are sold to the public. Today Susan’s House is a warm, welcoming place for at-risk teens. Susan dreamed of helping youth through art. A visit starts with an introduction by a staff member and a short video about Susan’s House. Many organizations that are there for youth at risk. Your participation will help fuel the ongoing goals of Susan’s House. Come meet the teens, hear their stories, and see the beautiful pieces they produce. There are so many places you want to pack into the experience. For tour suggestions, special programs, questions, or bookings please contact our tourism department in Israel: [email protected]. They are guided by a dedicated staff. Ofir, Yuval’s older brother, introduced Eyal and Susan, and they found their soulmates in each other. © 2020 International Fellowship of Christians and Jews All rights reserved. WITH GRATEFUL THANKS AND APPRECIATION, WE ACKNOWLEDGE THE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUPPORT AND GENEROSITY. The tour is free and lasts 1-1.5 hours. Susan’s House Israel is a unique program for teens-at-risk in the Israeli society. Let the world see your experience through your eyes. Celebrating a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Jerusalem is so special. The tour ends in our gift shop, where the visitors will be able to see all of finished products and have a chance to shop. We use the opportunity to teach them how to interact with customers; how to approach and offer assistance. You’ll learn how one person’s dream changed the lives of hundreds of teens. We will supply you with beautiful handcrafted beads. Coming here was a beautiful experience, watching all the teens creating stunning pieces was amazing. Givat Shaul, Jerusalem Phone: 02-6725069 Email: Come visit Susan’s House in Jerusalem and you will be amazed at the beautiful pieces that our talented teens have produced. We can supply the bright high-quality paint that will give the pieces a beautiful finished look. Your group is invited to tour the facility of Susan’s House Israel, meet the teens-at-risk who make the wares, listen to a brief talk about the organization and its successes, tour the work floor, and purchase the hand-made beautiful works of art (which are not your typical trinkets and souvenirs generically available in the Israeli markets). At her shiva, Eyal decided to see her dream through and spoke to Avital Goel about setting up the at-risk center. more. Teens learn the values of hard work and diligence, are paid for their services, and stay away from the negative influences of the street. You and your guests will have a great time painting. Susan’s House was established in 2002, in memory of Susan Kaplansky. We have seen amazing changes in the attitudes and self-esteem of our teens following visits. These teens, many from the street, are taught to create beautiful glass work, ceramics & jewelry. 31 Kanfei Hanesharim str. Stay informed about issues affecting Israel, the Jewish people, Jewish-Christian relations, receive daily devotionals, and more.