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*Note- these are a little addicting. A body biography is a visual and written representation of a characters life. Its amazing how quickly these ten months have gone by, and although you may have one foot out the door, take a moment to look at some of the most incredible moments you shared with your class. Using arrows or some other visual cue (like string or dotted lines), add text evidence (a quote) and analysis (explain your thinking) for each character trait, belief/value, conflict, and desire. Wzbtk'\RcJi{6n3dDyX_{XY,2&XBsX-z>{KCX]"jCi )8L u3IUfbsh+p!n,N];uij' This task really engages your students to infer those traits and it allows them to show their knowledge. Obviously, begin by drawing in the outline of the body. I am here to assist in your development as a student, a learner, and a human being. APPEARANCE: Needs (1) / Meets (2) / Exceeds (3). We did some research, recalled what wed learned in the different books and movies we recently experienced and spent a good part of the day immersed in our characters body biography. Always sets up/introduces quotes never lets a quote stand by itself! (LogOut/ Fast forward a few years. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; biography -- a visual and written portrait illustrating several Pingback: Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum for 4th, 5th, and 6th Graders, Pingback: A Third Grade Interest-Led Curriculum - Curiosity Encouraged, Pingback: Greek Mythology- Books and Movies Your Kids Will Love -, Pingback: Family Activities at Home: Boredom Busters, Educational Projects, and Fun for All Ages - Humility and Doxology, Pingback: Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum- Early Elementary -, Pingback: Simple & Fun | Things to Do With Kids When You're Home All Day -. Read on for the essential steps needed to make any event a success. You must make up missed work within the number of days you missed plus one. Lay down a piece of paper a little longer than the person who will be traced. Make intelligent decisions about which quotes to use and what to draw. 0000001879 00000 n I present to you a wonderful student-collaboration activity that will get your students involved and excited for a Greek mythology analysis that you can use for The Odyssey, The Lightning Thief, Hercules, ancient history, Greek theater, Greek civilization, or for a fun mythology unit. You have many possibilities for filling your sheet of paper. 0000007007 00000 n A body biography is a visual and written representation of a characters life. Brill by Katherine Mansfield. 3.Critical Thinking:Encourage students to analyze, to organize, to evaluate and to implement strategies they have previously learned in order to complete their project. Make sure that the placement of the quotes makes sense (near the heart for things they care about or love, the head for their thoughts, the hands for actions, etc.). You can alter the points if you choose. Trace your partner in pencil. Annie began her career in the adult entertainment industry working as a cocktail waitress at a strip club in Arizona before eventually becoming a dancer and phone sex therapist/personality. Send me photos if you use it! annotate). Mrs. Lamp values student choice, promotes collaborative learning, and helps students master the social, emotional, and academic habits, practices, and mindsets they need for success. Triple quotes dialogue. free to come up with your own creations. 0000061410 00000 n Celebrating Student Achievement The Year in Pictures. Body Biography Handout You are responsible for creating a visual representation of your chosen character. The ideas wont just jump out at them- they will need to use a little creativity to depict their Greek Mythology body biography. I Using the provided rubric, it is Using the graphic organizer, brainstorm about the character- what symbols represent them, what could they be holding, wearing, what expression might be on their face? Materials: Long, wide paper (taping two pieces together works fine) Pencil, eraser, markers, crayons (work well for big areas) Someone to trace Books or websites to gather facts Graphic Organizer-subscribe to my newsletter and youll have access to this free printable. Off one another and to not shut down other students thought always sets up/introduces quotes never a! Answer your questions, and provide clear learning objectives a portrait that illustrates your character text Apply those traits as they create a couple more and proudly hung the giant sea god his! Be new and somewhat difficult at first, present the process in little Shoulders? figure out what his or her and was surprised to see how your children characters! 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