In the next verse, the Prophet hears the consoling voice of inspiration saying, "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment" (verse 7). Matt. dates found in this table were assigned based on all available evidence, In Section 128,the Prophet expounded on Malachi 4:5-6 andexplained that baptism for the dead is "a welding link" between parents and children (D&C 128:18). 1842, 7 Sept. The Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual. A portion of this revelation is Any item for Since section 132 contained information about plural marriage inconsistent with the 1835 article on marriage, the latter was eliminated. Many present received visions and witnessed the glory of God fill the room. This course of action is explained as the last duty they owe to God, to their families, and to the rising generation. They corrected scribal and printing errors and occasionally clarified the text. The power and richness of the letter, both its doctrinal content and its literary images, may have resulted from the Prophet's personal suffering. provides a way to identify each item and situate it chronologically with other Vogel, Dan. 15:29). A commandment to members to assist in building the Nauvoo Temple, begun three months earlier. He will appear to the Saints or covenant members of his church (verses 45-46, 56-57). He divided each revelation into verses and added twenty-six revelations not previously included. Because the printing office of the Church in Independence, Missouri, was destroyed by a mob in July 1833 while the book was in production, only a few copies of this first compilation have survived. The revelations compiled in the Doctrine and Covenants contain directions and doctrine needed to inspire, organize, and administer the affairs of the Church. disrupted; the revelation was not published in its entirety until 1835. In response to questions about the legitimacy of the ancient prophets' plural marriages, the Lord revealed to Joseph Smith the conditions and requirements under which plural marriage was to be observed. Its emphasis upon the spiritual nature of temporal matters heightens one's appreciation of and respect for this life. Emma fulfilled each of these callings, endured the loss of five children, and stood by Joseph until his martyrdom. In a special conference held November 1, 1831, in Hiram, Ohio, the Church decided to publish a selection of these revelations, or "commandments." Since some members did not reach levels of consecrated faith and obedience reflective of a Zion society, they failed to establish Zion at that time. It is called a revelation on priesthood and was given in the presence of six elders who had just returned from their missions to the eastern states. (See Kirtland Temple; Temples: LDS Temple Dedications.). and other changes of greater or lesser significance are not accounted for in verse 16), where the divine name may be put upon his servants; asks forgiveness and the blotting out of sin; pleads for emissaries of truth to go forth in power and seal their witness with power; pleads for protection from enemies and deliverance from the calamities in Missouri; and prays for mercy on the nations of the earth, for expansion of stakes, for the gathering of scattered Jacob and Judah, for the redemption of Jerusalem "from this hour" (verse 62), and finally for blessings on the homes and families of the leaders of the Church.