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The sun is just rising, but this early bird almost always gets the worm. The robin is one of Britain’s best loved birds. They can also be found in the Azores, Canary Islands, North Africa, central Russia, Turkey and Iran. This is thought to be why you’ll sometimes hear of flocks of tipsy birds doing things like suicidal attacks on cars driving down the road. Home » Learn About Bird Species and Behavior » Posts About One Species » American Robin Interesting Facts, Last Updated on October 9, 2020 by Nancie. * Of course, pesticides used on these very lawns where robins hunt for worms can poison them. * American Robins are named after European robins but are only distantly related. * As temperatures rise and fall, the sugars in berries left on the vine or bush can ferment. Once the mating season is over, these feathers are lost. During cold months, with fewer insects and worms to be found, robins tend to be on the ground less and high up in the trees more, eating berries. While you won’t find them visiting your sunflower seed feeders, robins will be happy to enjoy your birdbath. * Robins may seem to all look alike, but did you know that male robins tend to have darker heads? . We own a wild bird feeding supply nature shop in East Lansing, Michigan. tut tut tut tut” warning call. . The small fees they provide help cover my site costs. These include beetles, grubs and caterpillars and even small snails and of course, earthworms. The female does the nest building and incubates the eggs alone. If you have specific questions, photos, or comments feel free to send them to. It stops to poke its yellow beak into the moist dirt. I’m glad you are enjoying it! An American robin hops along the bright green grass of a small field, the fresh morning dew dampening its small feet. Recent Birdseed & Binoculars Blog Changes, Summer Birds: Bird Watching & Feeding Tips. Some other thrushes and Old World flycatchers are also referred to as robins. European settlers named the American robin after the familiar European robin that they missed after emigrating to the New World. * Anyone who has spent time watching robins can tell you they run short distances across an open lawn, pause and then run again. 01 Nearly 75 per cent of robins will die before they reach the age of one […] Contrary to popular belief, American Robins don’t find earthworms by hearing or smelling them. And outdoor roaming cats (which are an invasive non-native species) hunt neighborhood birds, especially those on the ground, and so can also make life very difficult for them. While you might think of robins as worm eaters, they actually eat berries year round. Please Note: My blog includes some Amazon affiliate links. Interesting facts about American robins.