The Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) deals with matters relating to economic affairs, research and education. 1.Minister for Education Ong Ye Kung will make a working visit to Switzerland, from 6 to 9 June 2018. For more information about boarding schools, visit the websites of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) and the Swiss Federation of Private Schools. CMEC commissioned the concept paper that will be used as a starting point for the discussions. Over 50 years of Pan-Canadian Leadership in Education. 3. Please use a modern web browser for a better experience. Go to top. Copy this html code to your website/blog to embed this press release. To prevent automated spam submissions leave this field empty. Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren EDK Conférence Suisse des directeurs cantonaux de l'instruction publique CDIP Mother Tongue Languages Symposium 2020 Goes Digital, Gradual Resumption of Lower-Risk Co-Curricular and School Based Activities in Secondary Schools and Pre-University, Institutes of Higher Learning Enhance Support for Class of 2020 in Broadening Their Skills, COVID-19 Cases: Four Students in Four Schools Linked to Household Infections, Options for Students Whose Overseas Study Plans Have Been Disrupted, Child Development Account (CDA) Outreach Efforts: a Multi-Agency Collaboration to Support Young Children from Disadvantaged Families, Start of 2020 Early Admissions Exercise for the Institute of Technical Education and Polytechnics, Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on MOE Instructors: Restructuring of Contracts to Provide Initial Payments Ahead of Work Done, Start of 2020 Direct School Admission Exercises, Launch of #IAmBilingualSG Call for Projects, More Ministry of Education, Singapore Press Release, Submit press release to 40+ free press release websites, New International Football Partnership To Develop Grassroots Football & Coaching Badges in Asian Countries Announced, New Back the Blue Dog Walk Fundraiser Supports Local Police Heros,, 4. "I am pleased that CMEC is playing such an important role in the discussions at ICE with member states from around the world. This article was automatically imported from our old content management system. It is organized by the International Bureau of Education (IBE), a UNESCO institute with headquarters in Geneva, specializing in assisting UNESCO member states in achieving quality education for all through innovative curriculum development and implementation. Switzerland's diverse and permeable education system in essence offers a choice between an academic or vocational education. Swiss Alpine resorts are installing rides and other attractions on their slopes. Minister of Higher Education wrote a letter to welcome the EU, EEA, and Switzerland’s students and staff Purvesh Jain — July 17, 2019 The welcoming position of further & higher education sector of Scotland have been set out by the ministers to the European capitals. It … 2. Educational institutions that Mr Ong will visit include ABB Technikerschule, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), and the Zurich Teaching Association ICT (ZLI).