The concentration in Naval Science and Technology is restricted to U.S. citizens. The School of Engineering provides additional content-specific academic support via the Engineering Tutoring Center. Telephone: (855) 740-4044 Advising in the School of Engineering is mandatory for every student, every semester. Humanities Credits: Minimum 18 credits – including CA 1, CA 2, CA 4 including English, Math/Science Credits: Minimum of 30 credits (any CA 3 class) including all courses from, Engineering Credits: Minimum of 45 credits from. Whitney L. Losapio, Director of Undergraduate Advising. +Three courses from: ME 3239, 3251, 3270, 3275, 3276, 3280, 3285, 5311, 6160*. It is focused on facilitating interactions between students and naval professionals as well as hands-on and experiential activities related to senior design projects or independent study projects that have naval science and technology connections. Faculty advisors typically meet with engineering students with junior or senior standing in order to assist students in their course selection, counsel them in meeting their educational and career goals, and provide discipline-specific mentorship. Certificates includes Composites, Contaminated SiteRemediation, Power, and Advanced Systems Engineering. Our websites may use cookies to personalize and enhance your experience. University of Connecticut Advance your career by pursuing a master’s degree in several of the most in-demand, leading-edge engineering fields of today. (Note 1 Credit ENGR 3195 courses do NOT count towards the Professional Requirement.) 2020 UConn Engineering Commencement Alpay Named UConn Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Santos Appointed Associate Director of EDOC, … Please refer to the Minors section of this publication for these and other relevant minor descriptions. Email: Restrictions on courses are noted in the following: Concentration requirements: Nine credits (three courses, 2000 level and above); no course grades of less than C; plan of study for concentration; must take courses from subset of identified courses. Attend an Engineering Webinar Full program details, normal/updated course sequences, and accreditation requirements can be found in the respective Guide to Course Selection for each major. Students electing to use Special Topics courses or Independent Study/Research courses must have the course or research topic approved by both their department and either the director of the Navy STEM Program or the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education. The faculty of the Mechanical Engineering program at the University of Connecticut strives to continuously improve our undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering. Based on the survey results, students may be required to take additional preparatory course work that may not be counted toward graduation. Management and Engineering for Manufacturing, All majors, except B.S. For more information, please see our University Websites Privacy Notice. 371 Fairfield Way, Unit 4031 All students admitted to the School of Engineering are required to take a calculus placement survey prior to attending summer orientation or registering for their first semester. In addition, sufficient additional elective course work to bring the total number of credits for the... Design Laboratory Requirement. Other courses relevant to naval science and technology may be considered for the concentration by petition to the director of the Navy STEM Program or the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education. Also, the webinar will dig-deep into what makes a graduate degree or certificate program in engineering so valuable for today's engineers and employers. The concentration in Naval Science and Technology is designed to expose students to engineering concepts and topics of importance to the Navy and industries that support naval science and technology. Students in the School may request a change to their major later by submitting an application to the undergraduate programs office and meeting the admission criteria for that major. The School of Engineering offers four-year programs leading to: The programs shown above that are asterisked (*), are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. If a student’s cumulative GPA falls between 2.3 and 2.5, they will be considered on academic probation for the School of Engineering. degree in German. The course credits can be met at any course level. Three courses from: ME 3239, 3251, 3275, 3276, 3280, 5311, 6160*, or ME 3295(Special Topics) taught as any of the following: Acoustics, Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics, Aerospace Control Systems, Analysis of Composite Materials and Structures, Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Mechanics of Composite Materials, or Structural Dynamics. Additionally, students successfully completing these courses will have met their general education information literacy exit requirement for this major. Students should declare their major as soon as possible, but no later than the second semester of their sophomore year.