It is absolutely ok to use burn cards early, but it does shorten your run substantially, until you get a feel for the game you should lean towards saving them unless you're sure it's worth it (for example, burning a big attack to prevent a summoner from summoning another enemy is a great idea, you can queue the card and just use the attack-2 if the summoner dies before it's needed). If you fail a Scenario, you get to keep the experience and loot (but not checkmarks) collected during the scenario. Updated February 14, 2020. It's ok to short rest, but look carefully at the randomly lost card, it is absolutely worth paying a health to save a vital card, however keep in mind you can't make trade another health for a second redraw, so you could lose a more valuable card by redrawing, typically only 2 or 3 cards in your hand are worth this risk (the health isn't really a factor typically, it's more about what other card could be lost). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I didn't mind getting a bit unlucky because I think sometimes people will fall back on that to justify why they lost and not look at the mistakes they may have made. I'm glad you're using the goggles to help folks out with advantage. Luke December 4, 2019 Gloomhaven is a cooperative game. It's ok to pop a long rest while actively in combat, but try to do so near the end of a room as combat winds down; you're going to get 2 more HP than you had (3 more if you consider a redraw on a short rest) so you can take a hit to get your reusable items back in play and to have a choice of what card to discard. If you burn a single extra card in the first round you have 4+4+3+3+2+2+1+1 = 20 rounds, that's a huge swing because that card is subtracted from each rest that follows, leaving you with far fewer rounds of play; in round 1 you have to have a HUGE benefit to justify that expense. At 52:00, you talk about pushing the elite Archer into a trap with a Push 2 and she is adjacent to both traps. Gloomhaven - Basic Tips. Games typically consist of two to four adventurers, playing as a whole host of different characters. A lot of people asked for this, was finally able to do it. Try to determine when it's good to move towards the next door, if you have one character who can handle a remaining enemy, don't move the other character backwards to help, instead have him press on and start the next room. After your 5th rest however, that cost is substantially reduced 5+4+4+3+3+2+1+1 = 23 rounds. I apologize for the relatively-poor quality, it was filmed on a phone (that's the best I've got). Adjacent to the two skeletons means not advantaged attacks, so expected damage of 5 on targets with 6 effective hp for 1 attack, meaning I don't kill either and then take 2 attacks for 4. This means by counting how many hexes away they are. Once per visit to Gloomhaven, each player can donate 10 gold to the Sanctuary. Start Of Combat Round. I am watching the walkthrough and it is a lot of fun, thank you for making it! The Orchid Spellweaver was designed for the traditional mage role in pretty much every RPG. I haven't watched the video yet but traps (except stun traps) do not stop your movement so they could generally be pushed again if you have some push left. Gloomhaven is a cooperative game of tactical combat, battling monsters and advancing a player's own individual goals in a persistent and changing world that is ideally played over many game sessions.