” Dowager Empress Marie, from Anastasia. One only wishes the real Empress and her life had ended on as pleasant a note as the one played by Lansbury...but that, of course, is another story. This was and still is an unexpected role for Lansbury; there’s nothing funny or even all that sweet about Iselin at all. He sends Sibyl a rather cruel letter and a large sum of money as “compensation.” Naturally, Sibyl is heartbroken, and - much like Ophelia, whose love for one man and loyalty to another drove her mad when both seemed to leave her - she commits suicide in her sorrow. There’s not much more to be said; I think most of us, if not all of us, were introduced to Angela Lansbury’s voice and singing talents through this movie, and no matter how many people have sung that title song since - from other acting legends like Emma Thompson, to lesser-known performers like Beth Fowler - no one has ever been able to really top the storybook-perfect way Lansbury lullabies Disney’s most powerful romantic ballad. Lansbury was kort getrouwd (1945-1946) met de 15 jaar oudere Amerikaanse acteur Richard Cromwell. Miss Price, the kids, and Professor Brown all go off on a merry adventure to try and fix the issue, and fun is had all around. (For example: Captain Rochefort in this film is barely present, while the Rochefort in the Lester Trilogy is one of the major villains...AND is played by Christopher Lee. Mrs. Lovett, from Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. This was one of the first roles I saw Lansbury in, and I used to watch this special a lot; for reasons I’m admittedly not entirely sure of, this is/was one of my mother’s favorite Holiday Specials, so it has a very personal connection to me. Angela Brigid Lansbury (Londen, 16 oktober 1925) is een Amerikaans actrice van Britse afkomst. Everything Lovett does is essentially fueled by a basic fantasy: to live a perfect life with Todd. So there’s MY immortality, eh?” At one point, when the harpy tries to fight back, Mommy Fortuna simply responds by casting a calming spell and saying, “You’re mine. Tijdens vakanties gaat ze naar haar huis in County Cork, Ierland. It was a hard choice between Mrs. Potts and Mrs. Lovett, but ultimately, I felt Mrs. Lovett was a somewhat more complex character, and a more challenging one, as a result. Deze serie is een van de langst lopende detectives geweest in de Amerikaanse televisiegeschiedenis. As a result, you can understand why she would go for Buckingham...but it still puts a damper on the Queen’s personal character, since Louis shows her nothing but love and devotion, and she even gives gifts from her own husband away to her English lover. “Bedknobs” tells the story of a witch named Miss Eglantine Price...a good witch, thankfully, who lives in solitude during the second world war. More posts from the murdershewrote community, Let's talk about JB! The secret ingredient: freshly murdered victims of her partner in crime, barber Sweeney Todd. Attend the tale. Rose’s story is one of dreams lost and dreams trying to be regained. However, she also has a stiff and cold side to her, as the mixture of her tragedy and the way she feels people just try to take advantage of her wealth and her age catches up to her, making her increasingly more skeptical and bitter. But not only does she use her husband; she also uses her son. Times are hard in 1846 London and one must make do. It’s in these moments that her true regality shines through, and from beginning to end, she is one of the most compelling characters in the story. 100% Upvoted. To her surprise, the man in question - Professor Brown - turns out to be a complete sham who, by complete bloody accident, actually DID find some real magic without even realizing it! 3. Queen Anne, from The Three Musketeers (1948). These include: (* Edited for 2007 film) She’s a bloody wonder. However, when Dorian Gray falls in love with her, she finds herself in a whole new world; adored by a man who is not only rich and handsome, but a true gentleman to boot, and she in turn falls in love with him. “The First Christmas” is one of many Yuletide Holiday specials produced by Rankin/Bass - the same team for such classics as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, and The Year Without a Santa Claus. Unlike with Mommy Fortuna, where voice is all you get, Mrs. Iselin allows us to see Lansbury’s face and expressions and gestures in full...but the role is so detached from her more usual work that you honestly forget about the actress entirely. Plot Keywords Whatever you think of “Anastasia” - it seems to be a movie people either love or hate - it’s hard to deny that the voice cast for this film was absolutely splendid. In the story's climactic "Final Sequence", Todd murders Beadle Bamford, Turpin and a beggar woman, and discovers that the latter is actually Lucy. Once again, Lansbury’s rather maternal, sweet voice fits the role very well, as you really do feel the warmth she shares with her family - especially Anastasia herself - and also the pain she suffers as her age and her heartbreak take their effect on her. The only reason she doesn’t make it into the top five, to be blunt, is personal nostalgia. Mrs. Lovett recognizes him as her former tenant, Benjamin Barker, with whom she was (and is) secretly in love. Miss Price is a wonderfully zany character; she can be very strict and proper when she has to be, and there’s something of a school marm to her, but she also has a truly delightful sense of humor, about herself and the world in general.