Edward Kofi Louis 4/30/2016 2:01:00 PM. Boredom can get you caught up in some foul stuff. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It occurs when you look outward and do not find anything to … Now if you’re in a situation like this Write a poem of boredom too. a short love is vexing,
if i wasnt bored
they get when they see what they've done. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Thanks for sharing this poem with us. until the day ends
Note: this post originally had 218 images. Thanks for sharing it here.
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2278384433515206"; Each one is enjoyable to read.and many finish with a rhetorical quesiton mark. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2278384433515206"; /* newbestquotes728 */ There are no answers as to when this amazingly lame form of humor was born but it has kept its popularity from the dawn of ages to this day, nonetheless. google_ad_slot = "2417508182"; a real bind
Now i would know! It would bore me to tears. – Christopher Moore, “That’s right,” she told the girls. Write something down. Sometimes trees are green, or brown like poo, – Friedrich Nietzsche. The greatest moments become dull and tedious once the flame of excitement ceases to burn.”, “If you have started getting bored of your own words, this is a very good sign because you can now say new things which can excite you and others!”, “How will an immortal person spend his infinite life without getting bored? Funny Poems Poetry. 2 blondes were walking in the woods when they came across some tracks. I can't unwind
John Updike,