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Point Break is a 1991 American action-crime film directed by Kathryn Bigelow and written by W. Peter Iliff. Back in Point Break’s pre-bot farm day, architects of misinformation could either just start a whispering campaign and hope it caught on, or alternatively, spend a few dozen mill on a feature film with Swayze and Reeves. Be warned, though: you're going to get addicted to hunting them down. Because the 1-percent AEP flood has a 1 in 100 chance of... Below are multimedia items associated with flooding. Does a 100-year storm always cause a 100-year flood? The 1-percent AEP flood was thought to be a fair balance between protecting the public and overly stringent regulation. Likewise, the term "100-year storm" is used to define a rainfall event that statistically has this same 1-percent chance of occurring. CARROT Weather also likes to have fun with its Secret Locations. The recurrence interval is based on the probability that the given event will be equaled or exceeded in any given year. View the weather for any location up to 70 years in the past. However, if you're really into weather, it's actually kind of a steal at $9.99/year. We talk to Bob Holmes about some of the recent flooding events occuring in the Midwest, how does a 500-year flood occur twice in 15 years, and what do the recent events have in store for folks downriver. - Available in the US and Canada Here's everything you need to know about CARROT Weather. An AEP is always a fraction of one. - Tier 1 required, Storm Cells The Premium Club subscription adds a number of advanced features that wouldn’t be possible to offer at CARROT's base price point. These statistical values are based on observed data. Now when you open CARROT Weather, the top half of the screen will tell you the current weather, while the bottom half will give you both an hour-by-hour forecast of temperatures and conditions, as well as the forecast for the next several days. Instead of the term "100-year flood" a hydrologist would rather describe this extreme hydrologic event as a flood having a 100-year recurrence interval. - Tier 1 required. All rights reserved. The Inertia for Good Editor. During intensely localized storms, rainfall amounts throughout the basin can differ greatly from the rainfall amount measured at the location of the rain gage. Said event organiser Carlo Lowdon. CARROT’s forecasts are powered by Dark Sky, one of the world’s most accurate weather services. Watch in awe as the next big storm comes bearing down on your house with radar and satellite maps. Each successive tier includes more advanced and/or more costly features, hence why each tier is more expensive than the last. 1. They travel along the sea bottom, along the ground…”.