I must admit that I recognized very few of these, just the oldies. Well, that’s him, that’s my Jim, over there.”, Favorite Lyric: “I’ve got your class ring that proved you cared. In between that?". My life was hell every moment we were apart. Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on September 07, 2018: I stay away from arguments but we know they are so much a part of life so it is better to sing our way through it. "Better to fight for something than live for nothing." Also, feel free to call up P. Diddy (is that even his current name?) Perfect for: when things are complicated. Too many people, however, are simply disagreeable and seem ready to take their frustrations out on those they don't agree with. Envy. Marriage should be a peaceful shelter in the middle of the raging storms and wars of this life. I'm always amazed by how many songs you find to fit your theme. Or at least the kind of guy who can persuade us to get married as soon as we hear this song. Have a beautiful weekend. Irreconcilable differences. Something tells me she won't rest until she's sought vengeance. Past our first 5 years, God has also led my husband and I out of our own chains of personal sin and doubt. Louise - It's a little surprising but a nice surprise to find him paired with Demi Lovato, but I like it. It's do or die!Time to settle the score,Gotta give it all you got and then you give it some moreThere will be bloodYou've gotta fight 'til you break,Talk a lot of trash and step up to the plate. Glad you enjoyed the playlist. The day came quietly - creeping up on us amidst the older boy’s summer birthdays, busy summer plans, church VBS, rainy day play date reschedulings, school pre-planning and overthinking, loads of laundry and mounds of dishes, toddler potty training, and a myriad of other pressing and mind-consuming things. Oh wee, I want you to take me serious.". Stop, understand me. How To Save While Swiping, How Does Bumble Work: Pro Tips For Men For All Your Swiping Needs, Zoosk Sign Up: Join Today And Start Dating The Right Way, The Zoosk Dating Service: Match, Chat, Date, Love, Zoosk Mobile: How To Meet Your Person With The Zoosk App, 24 Of The Best Relationship Goals Quotes To Inspire A Couple, What To Do When You’re Stuck In A Sex Life Crisis, How To Set Boundaries And Why It’s Good For You, What Does A Healthy Relationship Look Like? Linda - Glad you had heard of one of them! I think it might be Brad Paisley that has a song about "Can't We All Just Get Along". FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on September 21, 2018: Devika - You definitely have to choose your battles! It’s my right to be hellish. Perfect for: when things are complicated. You could do so much better. Best lyrics: "And I am done with my graceless heart, so tonight I'm going to cut it out and then restart.".