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To our knowledge, this is the first report of a patient with intraparenchymal pneumocephalus caused by an ethmoid sinus osteoma. Our study is the first, to our knowledge, to show that high-resolution multiplanar images generated from a thin-collimation axial dataset reliably localize CSF leaks. The maxillary sinus, the sphenoid sinus and the ethmoid cells were opened on both sides during ten resections of the skull base. Bony dehiscences could be demonstrated in 12% of the cases. To date, the literature has reported only on the ability of various imaging modalities to localize CSF leaks. This article provides a detailed description of the cribriform plate and adjacent areas, based on investigations of over one thousand dried skulls and 225 computerized tomography scans of the anterior skull base. Paranasal sinuses:anatomic terminology and nomenclature. [Surgical anatomy of the optic nerve and the internal carotid artery in the lateral wall of the sphe... Sectional Anatomy of the Olfactory Pathways, Anatomic study and clinical significance of extended endonasal anterior skull base surgery, Intraparenchymal pneumocephalus caused by ethmoid sinus osteoma. 10). Lebensjahr hinsichtlich des Siebbeindaches ähnliche Verhältnisse wie beim Erwachsenen finden und eine Einteilung nach Keros möglich ist. With recent developments of volumetric MDCT, high-resolution, essentially isotropic datasets can be acquired and, in turn, can be used to generate high-quality multiplanar images that can be viewed in any arbitrary plane.9 It has been demonstrated that the image quality of coronal multiplanar reconstructions with 0.5-mm collimation, with or without overlapping reconstructions, is similar to that of contiguous direct coronal 0.5-mm sections.10. At endoscopy, there were 15 patients with a single site of a CSF leak, 2 patients with 2 separate sites, and 1 patient with 3 separate sites. The reverse situation, i.e. A variety of imaging regimens have been employed, including axial and direct coronal CT, CT cisternography with iodinated contrast, radionuclide cisternography, and MR imaging. the right higher than the left, was observed in only 1.2 per cent of cases. The cribriform plate appeared as a “V”‐shaped multilinear bone‐opaque stripe in the caudal nasal region in projections perpendicular to the hard palate in 6 dogs with a skull index between 50.00 and 54.00. The cribriform plate gives rise to the roof of the nasal cavity, with which it communicates through 18-22 foramina on each side (Walker, 1990;Favre et al., 1995;Levine and Marcillo, 2008). We therefore investigated the location of this canal and the anatomic characteristics of the area surrounding the canal using coronal computed tomography (CT) of the paranasal sinuses. Effect of brachycephalic, mesaticephalic, and dolichocephalic head conformations on olfactory bulb angle and orientation in dogs as determined by use of in vivo magnetic resonance imaging. Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology. CT demonstrated 23 suspected skull base defects in 19 patients, ranging in size from 2 to 18 mm, with an average size of 6 mm. The prevalence of asymmetric position of the ethmoidal roof was 15 % (41 patients). The skull base defects ranged in size from 2 to 15 mm, with an average size of 6 mm. In more brachycephalic dogs frontal bone structures superimposed on the cribriform plate on ventrodorsal and dorsoventral views and accentuated the radiographic appearance of the plate. This patient has had a total ethmoidectomy, and the right middle turbinate has been resected at the skull base. At the end of the first year both halves of the ethmoid bone had been united by the formation of the crista galli, lamina mediana and complete ossification of the cribriform plate. Background: Knowledge of the unique anatomy of the nose, paranasal sinuses and skull base, particular concerning dangerously low positioned or deep lying cribriform plates is most important, as functional endoscopic sinus surgery has become an increasingly popular procedure for the management of pediatric sinus disease. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. Two observers independently performed two olfactory bulb volumetric studies per bulb and sequence. Given that even less experienced observers achieve almost perfect results, the CISS sequence is recommended for olfactory bulb volumetry. Accordingly, CT evaluation of the true margins of the osseous defects may suffer. Finally, when compared with intraoperative interrogation, CT measurements of the skull base defects are accurate when submillimeter collimation is available. Region may emphasize the particular risk of cerebrospinal fluid leakage or meningitis full-text of study! An obliquity greater than 20°, the location of the cribriform plate on... Complications during various operations 4-mm defect but missed a 3-mm defect that was preoperatively confirmed with.. Two defects were identifiable in 59.5 % of the anterior cranial fossa a supraorbital horizontal and above the palate! Are found MDCT ) before undergoing surgery central skull base defects could be demonstrated in 12 of! Replacing classic macrosurgery in the height of the 23 skull base defects ranged in size 2... Anatomical study demonstrates the existence of these different variations will help the rhinologic surgeon in his orientation during sinus... 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