Didn't find what you were looking for? AIM will use small-scale transportation, including vans, cutaway buses (the smaller buses used for paratransit), taxis and even Uber and Lyft drivers who are registered with the Office of Public Carriers. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Home » United States of America » Delaware » Delaware Technical Community College Georgetown. “I knew there was probably a better life out there for me,” Sauer said. Availability for regular attendance each day. Sign-up for daily news updates from Technical.ly Delaware. Three hundred sixty-seven students enrolled in the first year. Adjunct Instructor--Legal Studies-Real Property Law (PLG 271... Delaware Technical Community College jobs in Seaford, DE, repeat your search with the omitted job postings included, An incumbent in this class typically receives supervision from a, The incumbent is responsible for implementing and creating a developmentally appropriate curriculum, which ensures individualization of activities, to meet the…, Per DelaCare regulations—Successful completion of Training for Early Care and Education 1 and six months of experience working with children preschool age or…, Incumbent would be responsible for teaching our Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)…, Participates in advisory committee meetings and other, Temporary Part-time Educational Training Specialist (instructor) needed to provide…, The candidate will be required to instruct Respiratory…, Incumbent to teach DMS 131 Abdomen Sonography I and DMS…. Enable registration in settings - general, Delaware Technical Community College Georgetown. (Photo by Elvert Barnes with Creative Commons license). Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. From Business: Here at Barefoot Studio we cater to your needs. The centerpiece of AIM is the technology that’s currently being developed in a partnership with Via Transportation, Inc., a company that operates microtransit services all over the world. Honorees were announced during a virtual celebration ceremony on September 3. The Accelerating Innovative Mobility pilot program will bring increased accessibility with an Uber-like platform. 21179 College Dr. Georgetown, DE 19947 Please help others by helping us do better. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. “We know that with Georgetown being an Opportunity Zone, is has a significant concentration of low-income residents, and we want to ensure that they have access to this new mobility service as well.”. On-campus programs with Delaware State University, the University of Delaware, and Wilmington University enable Delaware Tech graduates to earn an associate degree and then complete a bachelor’s or graduate degree.