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The British intelligence and security agency GCHQ has released a Christmas card with a cryptic twist. Retracing steps reusing letters is allowed. For example, (a) is the first row so if n=1 the letters shown become 1 and 1+1, so 2; the first and second letters are shown. ?,?,?,?,n,?,?,?,?,?,?,u,u,i,n,i,o,?,u,n,i,i,i,? The stations are listed in order of Scrabble score, then alphabetically. Coronavirus: 'Long Covid could be four different syndromes', Covid-19: Talks continue over new restrictions for parts of England, Covid: Family of seven's one-bedroom flat lockdown 'hell', Morrisons and Waitrose ditch glitter for Christmas, Newspaper headlines: 'Millions face new lockdown' amid fears for economy, Covid: Trump's son Barron had coronavirus, says first lady, Coronavirus: Talks on tighter curbs and long Covid 'works in four ways'. This year, along with his traditional Christmas cards, Director GCHQ Robert Hannigan below is including a brain-teasing puzzle that seems certain to exercise the grey matter of participants over the holiday season.. Put another way, the following cipher alphabet has been used: Plain: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZCipher: NOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM December 10, By Video, 'I don't feel like dying today': Jogger meets cougar, Breonna Taylor's boyfriend recalls night she was killed. The 23-page answer sheet can be downloaded via the GCHQ website. US election 2020 polls: who is likely to win - Donald Trump or Joe Biden? If you're struggling, let us help By Gordon Rayner and Gordonrayner 12 December 2015 • … (18,19), (28,29), (38,39), (79,80), (81,82), (83,84), (85,86), (?,?). This site uses cookies to improve your experience and deliver personalised advertising. Successful codebreakers will uncover an image in the grid that leads to a series of tougher challenges. VideoCoronavirus: Are some soaps better than others? Rules could be tightened in London and Manchester, Xi Jinping tells China's troops to prepare for war, Boris Johnson demands round-the-clock Brexit talks. Successful codebreakers will uncover an image in the grid that leads to a series of tougher challenges. "Many people worked in virtual teams over various web forums to tackle many of the questions together, with some syndicates developing small computer programmes to test possible mathematical combinations and reach a solution more quickly," said GCHQ, in the foreword to a document containing a complete set of the solutions. Some of the black squares have already been filled in for you. K.G Orphanides. VideoBreonna Taylor's boyfriend recalls night she was killed, 'They didn't intend their language to be hurtful' Video'They didn't intend their language to be hurtful', Bury: Bringing Football Back. For each letter, we haven't provided the full list but a selection of items, given in the correct order. VideoWhat life's like under Tier 2 Covid restrictions. I am a bit of an addict.". All answers will be available at the bottom of this article, as well as clues if you get stuck. GCHQ's first app targets future cyber sleuths, 'I don't feel like dying today': Jogger meets cougar. Britain's most secretive organisation - GCHQ - adds a cryptic twist to Christmas card season by including a baffling brainteaser. The numbers indicate the length of all consecutive runs of black squares and are displayed in the order that the runs appear in that line. Print + Digital Explore the best of the media in one magazine. The number contains the letter at the corresponding position in the alphabet: Five, Eight, Nine, Twelve, Fourteen, Twenty, Twenty-three, Twenty-five. Grid shading puzzle (Picture: GCHQ) Here’s a festive brain teaser. Matt Burgess. Charlie Burton. Victoria Woollaston, Seven words have been enciphered using a simple substitution. Clue: If you've answered the questions correctly, you'll notice a theme that will solve the puzzle. Challenges include ciphers and substitution codes, tests of numeracy and literacy as well as picture and music challenges. 3 (rows) x 4 (columns) What is the smallest wordbox which contains the names of all the seven dwarfs: BASHFUL, DOC, DOPEY, GRUMPY, HAPPY, SLEEPY, SNEEZY, (a) I A OEU IE(b) IAE O I-OU EE(c) OIA I(d) EU O E I OE IA(e) EO OOO(f) E UE IA AO(g) OE AUA(h) E IAE EOE IA(i) E OA(j) IE A E A(k) E OA EE(l) E OU IE A, By