This work represents the main acoustical design phases for the new lecture auditorium in the Faculty of Law, Ain Shams University, Cairo/Egypt. Because the auditorium is used primarily for. Bharata. New Lecture Center VŠPJ / QARTA architektura Drawings were done using AutoCAD®. 7, Issue 4. ... Ph.D. thesis, faculty of. Sri Priya et al(2018) Design of an Auditorium Building, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. Norris C.H. Different components of the auditorium are given in Table 2. A number of standard codes approved by Indian Standard institutions has specified the following minimum requirements for the construction of the auditoriums: No person shall erect a building unless it is set back at least 6m from the regular line of the street or from the street if no such regular line exists. The proposed site is at Pathanapuram municipality, Pathanamthitta district, Kerala state. For completeness a cost estimation was also performed. Lobby 3. Design and analysis were done manually and the results were verified using ETABS®. German Design Council Exhibitions Venice Architecture Biennale 2018 Venice Art Biennale 2019 Salone del Mobile 2019 ... auditorium. Sri Priya et al(2018) Design of an Auditorium Building, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. In fact, if it is carefully planned, a continental arrangement can frequently accommodate more seating within the same space [1]. Ashwini Mareena Sam, Devika J S, Panchami P S, Muhammad Salih N, Rajeev Kumar P, 2020, Structural Analysis and Design of an Auditorium using Extended-3D Analysis of Building System, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY (IJERT) Volume 09, Issue 06 (June 2020). Keywords Structural analysis; design, ETABS®, AutoCAD®, auditorium, cost estimation. Preliminary drawings were done using AutoCAD®. Different steps involved in the process is shown below. It closely resembles amphitheaters and is one of the oldest auditorium designs, dating back to the Greek era. 3/4 arena: This form is typically used for open space theaters and is based on the continental seating arrangement. Basically, a multiple-aisle arrangement will have a maximum of 1416 chairs per row with access to an aisle-way at both ends. This includes planning, analysis of loads and designing of structural elements based on different loading conditions. National Building Code of India (2018), Bureu of Indian Standards, New Delhi. Auditorium 2. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, Load Frequency Control of a Single Area Power System using Firefly Algorithm, Reduction of Dent and Cost in Manufacturing Industry using Statistical Process Control Techniques, Study of Factors Causing Cost and Time Overrun in Construction Projects, A Combinational Histogram Equalization Related to Contrast Image Enhancement, Framework for Integrating Retail Organization with Marketplace for Cash Reconciliation, Study of Land use Land Cover Change Detection in Paonta Sahib Tehsil of Himachal Pradesh, A Study on Delayed Highway Projects in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir (India), Data Acquisition System For Performance Monitoring Of Solar Photovoltaic (pv) Power Generation, Design and Fabrication of Organic Portable Shredder Machine, Analysis of COVID-19 in India using Exploratory Method, Distance between two chairs for circulation. Thesis Presentation . and Wilbur J (1991), Elementary Structure Analysis, 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill company limited, New York. Fig 9. For completeness, a cost estimation for the construction was also carried out and the estimated cost was found as Rs 1,22,00000/-. The structure created in the ETABS® is shownin Figure 7. Designed by Appukuttan Nair, the. Required fields are marked *. 1. 2 - Education Facility - Auditorium - Office Space Spaces 1. The design concept of the auditorium is to provide various scenes for the different tasks of the space, provide ample task lighting on the desks, and to accent the chalkboard/whiteboard. Proposed site in Pathanapuram, Kerala state TABLE I. Your email address will not be published. Abstract This technical paper highlights the project work pertaining to the structural analysis and design of a multipurpose auditorium using a computer software, Extended3D Analysis of building System, abbreviated as ETABS®. For movie theatres, the number of auditoria (or auditoriums) is expressed as the number of screens. The space should provide a user friendly control system with the scene selection … The historic 1927 Baldwin Auditorium at Duke University underwent renovations while incorporating significant sustainable design features and strategies such as energy and water efficiency, indoor air quality, and resource management, earning Silver Certification under the LEED™ for New Construction 2.2 Rating System.