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Through its supplier diversity program, CDW is committed to generating business opportunities that position diverse suppliers for economic sustainability, yield competitive advantages and deliver exceptional technology experiences for customers through innovation. Engage diverse suppliers that offer unique industry-specific innovation and low risk solutions. Publication 554 - Supplier Diversity Terms December 1997 : For Postal Service buyers, potential suppliers, and industry or trade organizations, this glossary establishes definitions for unique or special words or phrases that are used within the supplier diversity arena. 695 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7929068B41A34D80B66FA3C3B6CC27C2><0D3336B2E6B5AE47A148C2FFE8113312>]/Index[673 43]/Info 672 0 R/Length 112/Prev 1172550/Root 674 0 R/Size 716/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream h��Vmo�6�+��`���(���&5�$E�,+}`l�fK�� ���Q�9��,�B�I�^H�s��u� #:��8�� cD�#�oN�@=mp"qbb�(N4N�] Meanwhile, corporate supplier diversity program metrics will be evaluated and benchmarked just like any other key performance indicator—as it should be. ©2020 The Greenlining Institute. Nowhere is this culture more apparent than in the groundbreaking supplier diversity efforts taken on by utility companies under the guiding principles of the California Public Utilities Commission’s General Order 156. Adopt limited competition protocols. We break down spending by ethnic categories, as well as minority women-, disabled veteran-, and LGBT-owned suppliers. Leveraging Not-for-Profit Hospital Community Benefits, Improving Outcomes for Boys & Men of Color, Diverse Small Business: Creating an Inclusive Clean Energy Economy, Incremental Progress in a Swiftly Changing Landscape, Greenlining Institute California Proposition Endorsements: YES on Props. In addition to the overall strength of 2018’s results, companies spent a combined $39 billion with businesses owned by people of color, an $8 billion increase over 2017. Companies that report strong support from executive leadership and concerted efforts to include diversity at all stages in the procurement process continue to show strong results. While innovative law firms have implemented supplier diversity programs, many corporate firms have not yet explored this area of diversity promotion. The business realities brought on by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic challenges practitioners to keep supplier diversity on the front burner of supply management. Among the Fortune 500 clients represented by members of the AmLaw 200, supplier diversity is heralded as an important business strategy. Ensure visible leadership engagement. In particular, companies that embrace supplier diversity best practices demonstrate strong results in traditionally underutilized categories. Donate Today! We advance economic opportunity for people of color through advocacy, community and coalition building, research, and leadership development. Historically, when public utilities contracted with outside suppliers, they did so using an “old-boy” network, which denied economic opportunity to businesses owned by people of color and by other historically marginalized groups. Reginald Williams serves as consultant to corporate management on supplier diversity.