Yandere es muy Bonito porque me ayuda a saber que pasa si se hacercan a mi Sempai asi que NOT TOUCH MY SEMPAI. Ayano dragging Kiba Kawaito towards the case. what if you don't have the YandereSimulator_data thing at all? ( Log Out / Once they are tranquilized, Ayano must place the body into the case. This is my version. I knew you could make it! If Ayano has all of these, she must ask the target to follow her, lead them to the storage room and close the door, after which Ayano can attack them with the syringe. I swear I am so happy for you,Yan Dev! hope it comes out on 28th of july because thats my birthday! Note: If used incorrectly, such as using the syringe on a male student, you possess no tranquilizer, or another female after one was already kidnapped, it will only kill the student. If the player tries to kidnap Kokona Haruka and frame her, when the police arrive, they will find her sleeping in the case and assume that she hid from the police. Fixed bug that would cause the framerate to drop significantly if the player asked a student to follow them (even after the student had stopped following the player). In the full game, if there are two or more kidnapped students in the basement, it is possible that they might talk to each other, or that Ayano will put gags in their mouths so they cannot interact. The student will then slowly and creepily walk towards the requested victim with their head down and arms twitching, muttering “Kill, Kill, Kill..”. As of the October 8th, 2015 Build, the correct student model will show. If you saved the game while students were swimming in the pool and then loaded the save file, the swimming students would do all sorts of strange things. Musume will be extremely traumatized after the kidnapping. According to this roadmap, we are currently in “Stage 4” of Yandere Simulator’s development, moving towards “Stage 5.” But, what specifically am I working on right now, what are the next updates / videos going to be about, and when will the … is this supposed to happen or??? The original intention of the kidnapping feature was to brainwash them into killing the following week's rival. ( Log Out / There is already a box there, but in the future, one must get a Panty Shot Favor from Info-chan for it.[1]. This bug has been fixed. Fixed bug that would allow the player to run around freely while being chased by a student council member if the council member gave chase while Yandere-chan was laughing. Fixed bug that prevented the player from attending class if they had gotten into a physical struggle earlier in the day. (For example, it was impossible to kill a Student Council girl with fire, because they dodged buckets of gasoline). However, Nasu Kankoshi is always on guard and vigilant about keeping an eye on anyone in her office, and the items will not be easily obtainable. And a bit more, too! As of the June 3rd, 2016 Build, a "Kidnapping Checklist" will appear onscreen when entering the storage room, informing Ayano if she is currently meeting all of the criteria to perform a kidnapping. Yandere Simulator: Past, Present, and Future, The requirements for kidnapping from "How to kidnap a girl in Yandere Simulator", https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/655830767918977024, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/655604210419929088, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/655094481109123072, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/661090198235709441, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/650703838064721920, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/661233017461956609, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/623528143337361408, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/650710876534628352, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/688485236900933632, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/689205902461681665, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/655648382942232576, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/655833720398569472, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/667853441666957312, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/661091367188197376, https://yandere-simulator.fandom.com/wiki/Kidnapping?oldid=495728.