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Shark Shield Technology is so effective; in Western Australia, the State Government has a $200 rebate available for the purchase of our FREEDOM+ Surf and FREEDOM7 – applied at … The Shark Shield Freedom 7 has seven hours of battery life, which is ideal for Divers snorkelers and swimmers. Shark Shield is a personal electronic device that creates an electromagnetic field to deter shark attacks and is used by surfers, scuba divers, snorkelers, spearfishers, and ocean kayak fishers. It has been considered one of the few electrical device Shark Shield Technology consists of two electrodes, which when both are submerged, emit a three-dimensional electrical field surrounding the user or area. The Shark Shield works by emitting an electric current which produces a spasm in the shark’s snout and repels them from the area. Ocean Guardian is the manufacturer of devices that use Shark Shield Technology. Shark Shields come in a range of designs so whether you are a swimmer, scuba diver, surfer or kayaker you can be protected with a shark shield… Shark shields release an electric current which the sharks are sensitive to, causing them to stay away. Dive and Fish stocks the best brands for all your outdoor needs including Shark Shield, Mares, YETI, Powerdive, Riffe and Rob Allen. Shark Shield is the only electrical repellent on the market that's been independently shown to be effective at deterring sharks from biting. Shark Shield Technology is so effective; in Western Australia, the State Government has a $200 rebate available for the purchase of our FREEDOM+ Surf and FREEDOM7 – applied at … The unit is fitted to the lower leg with the supplied neoprene pouch. When a shark comes within a few metres, the field (emitted by the device) causes the shark to experience muscle spasms. The electrical field is created by a two-metre cord that trails behind the user. Shark Shields are the only known reliable deterrent of sharks. The latest independent research funded by the Western Australian State Government, as part of its investment in Shark Hazard Mitigation, and was led by Professor Shaun Collin, Director of The University of Western Australia Oceans Institute, has proven the efficacy of Shark Shield’s technology. The electrical wave-form used in the Shark Shield Technology is based on a technology originally invented by the KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board of South Africa in the 1990s. Attached to the pouch is an antenna which trails unobtrusively behind the user.