Other missionaries, and later linguists in the employ of the Canadian and American governments, adapted the Latin alphabet to the dialects of the Mackenzie River delta, the western Arctic islands and Alaska. The dialects of Inuktitut. and PC systems in all popular software from Microsoft Word to Excel. Nunavut Utilities is a package of Microsoft Office tools to make working in the Inuit language easier. N.W.T. Did you know that you can type in syllabics using your phone? All of these features currently work through Microsoft Word (64-bit versions). Syllabics.net is a tool to aid in the preservation of aboriginal languages. The Nunacom font is FREE to all users. terminology that may not be familiar to everyone. These six dialects can be organised into three larger dialect groups: Kivalliq-Aivilik, Baffin, Nunavik-Labrador. A version for Microsoft Excel is also under development. Regarding Labrador Inuttutâs orthography: the uvular. North Baffin: áá¡ááá (Iglulik/Igloolik), á´áááá
(Sanirajaq/Hall Beach), á¥á¦ááªááá (Mittimatalik/Pond Inlet), á²áá
ááá±á (Kangiqtugaapik/Clyde River), ááá±áááªá (Ikpiarjuk/Arctic Bay), ááá¯áá (Nanisivik), áá
(Qausuittuq/Resolute), áá
(Aujuittuq/Grise Fiord), South Baffin: á²áá
ááá±á (Kangiqtugaapik/Clyde River), á¿áá
(Qikiqtarjuaq/Broughton Island), á¸ááá
(Pangniqtuuq/Pangnirtung), ááááᦠ(Iqaluit/Frobisher Bay), ááá¥áá (Kingmiruk/Lake Harbour), ááµáᦠ(Kinngait/Cape Dorset). They memorize each column going down the syllabic chart (i, pi, ti, gi, mi, ni, etc.). Download Nunacom here. this site that may require further explanation. In most of Nunavut and in Nunavik, Quebec, Inuktitut is written using the Inuktitut script. Pass out the Inuktitut Syllabics, Words and Definitions. The Unicode block for Inuktitut characters is called Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics. In 1976, the Language Commission of the Inuit Cultural Institute made it the co-official script for the Inuit languages, along with the Latin script. On the chart, the Roman consonants and vowels follow the standard Inuktitut orthography as used in Nunavut and Nunavik (Northern Québec). It is one of the official languages of Nunavut. Transliteration system: Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics. Split up into different political divisions and different churches reflecting the arrival of various missionary groups, Inuktitut writing systems can vary a great deal. The /ai/ ᐁ-series has been recently readopted in Nunavik; /ai/ in Nunavut would be ᐊᐃ. for creating your own Inuktitut syllabic web pages. Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics are used for a range of Algonquin and Inuit orthographies indigenous to Canada, including Cree, Ojibwe, Inuktitut, and occasionally Blackfoot languages. It contains the following features: A syllabic font converter to switch text between Unicode fonts and older syllabic fonts; A transliterator to convert text from roman orthography to syllabics, or vice versa; and orthographic rules checkers for syllabics and roman orthography that detect many common mistakes made when writing the Inuit language. The first efforts to write Inuktitut came from Moravian missionaries in Greenland and Labrador in the mid-19th century using Latin script. Inuktitut is a polysynthetic language, meaning that words tend to be longer and structurally more … ), Permanecer real en un mundo digital -presentation par Bill Belsey, Widerspruch gegen exmatrikulation wegen fehlender rückmeldung Muster, Verlängerung befristeter mietvertrag vorlage, Tarifvertrag verdi transport und logistik hessen, Tarifvertrag logistik rheinland pfalz pdf, Tarifvertrag des fachverbandes metall pfalz mit cgm, Tarifvertrag bau angestellte gehalt thüringen, Tarifvertrag öffentlicher dienst tv-l bayern. Nunavik: á°á¦áªááá±á (Kuujjuaraapik/Great Whale River)*, á
(Umiujaq), ááá¦áªáá
(Inujjuaq/Inukjuak), á³ááááá
(Puvirnituq), á´ááááá
(Sanikiluaq), á£áá¯áá¯á¦ (Mailasikkut/Chisasibi)*, áá¯ááá (Akulivik), ááá¨áá (Ivujivik), á´áªááᦠ(Salluit), á²áá
(Kangiqsujuaq), ááá
(Quaqtaq), á²ááá±á (Kangirsuk), áá
á¸áá (Aupaluk), áá¯á
(Tasiujaq), á°á¦áªáá
(Kuujjuaq/Fort Chimo), á²áá
(Kangiqsualujjuaq), ááá¸ááªá
(Tarpangajuq), ááªááá
(Killiniq/Port Burwell)â . The Makivik Corporation expanded the official version of the script to restore the ai-pai-tai column. At present, Inuktitut syllabics enjoys official status in Nunavut, alongside the Latin alphabet, and is used by the Kativik Regional Government of Nunavik. The Inuktitut script (titirausiq nutaaq) is commonly presented as a syllabary. Navigator 3.0 or higher, or Microsoft Generally speaking, all these dialects write in syllabics, except for Labrador Inuttut which has its own unique Roman orthography. Labrador Inuttut: Naini (Nain), Hopedale, Maqûvik (Makkovik), Ukkusitsalik (Davis Inlet)*â , Vaali (Goose BayâHappy Valley), Nutâk (Nutak)â , Hebronâ , Tikirarsuarusik (Rigolet), Northwest River*.