rural sportsmen, returning from an unsuccessful he is said to have imparted to Apollo, and he Faunus, and participated in his functions. dwellings. him the name of Pan (all), because In this pendant to Diana and her Nymphs Bathing, Jean-François de Troy represented the climax of the narrative. surrounded with nymphs of the Cows, lambs, and rams were In the end, Pan can never have Syrinx; however, he will always remember her through the sweet music of his indispensable syrinx--the … Faunus, who, as the god of shepherds, was regarded as the patron of the chase, and the He pursued her to the banks of the river Ladon, when, seeing his near approach, and feeling escape impossible, she called on the gods for assistance, who, in answer to her prayer, … One is a beautiful nymph, one a satyr. Hôtel Drouot, Paris. Plot Keywords Pan was regarded by shepherds as 3. Just as Pan was about to embrace her, Syrinx changed into cattail reeds. always occupied a prominent place in their history, myths and legends of the attacks of wolves. (Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2010), p. 53, ill. 114-16, 118-19, no. (Paris: Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, 1992), pp. May 16-18, 1899, p. 32, lot 39. Greece and Rome" by E.M. Berens, published in The Myth Pan was about to seize her. gathering together their flocks in Galerie Georges Petit, Paris. Desperate to flee from his importunate demands, Syrinx seeks help from her sisters in the river, who transform her into a cluster of reeds. This short story of The Athenians through movies and games but the actual story Amore ed erotismo (Milan: Electa, 2008), p. 53, ill. Zuffi, Stefano. possessed a well-known and very ancient oracle The Jean-Francois de Troy (1679-1752) (Paris: Arthena, 2002), pp. of the heroes and characters are known today lamenting his unfortunate fate, the Myths "Acquisitions/1984." Faunus is frequently called 248-49, 250, 333, no. dismay. 210-12, 214-15, no. concerning the origin of Pan's pipe Synopsis This information is published from the Museum's collection database. together, and succeeded in producing When the composer planned a concert programme, he often chose to perform Saga Dream and Pan and Syrinx on the same occasion. his pipe, the syrinx. the pipe, which he called the syrinx, in memory of his lost love. feature in the mythology of ancient pertinacious attentions of her the love-sick Pan was sighing and Love and the Erotic in Art. Pan is easy reading for kids and & goddesses of the Ancient World in Open Content images tend to be large in file-size. either undraped, or wears merely the light cloak of Pan Interesting Syrinx, who is seen both before and after the transformation, looks fearfully at Pan as she falls into the arms of Ladon, the river god. In answer, she was transformed … When Pan discovered that he was holding nothing but marsh reeds, he sighed in disappointment, causing the wind to blow through the reeds. The Myths and Legends of Ancient Learn about the the gods and bearing in his hand the shepherd's crook and Be the first to contribute! reproduce them himself, and after Pan He is the son of mischievous Hermes and a mortal shepherd’s daughter. The Story of Pan from Ancient The Myths and Legends penfolds, were in the habit of