The Biochemical Society’s close partnership with the Royal Society of Biology (RSB) means that the following member categories can benefit from a 50% discount for their first two years of individual RSB membership. We believe that sustained research funding is needed to drive the development of new antimicrobials and alternative approaches to combating infection, particularly vaccines. The benefits of membership provide support and information for you during your career in the science community. About our journals. The development of rapid diagnostics will also be vital. Seven years later Queen Victoria granted a Royal Charter to the Society, confirming its purpose of "the general advancement of Chemical Science". You can join at any time of the year and at any stage of your career. The Biochemical Society exists to promote excellence in research and education in the field of molecular bioscience and wider life sciences. The Royal Society of Chemistry publishes 46 peer-reviewed journals that cover the core chemical sciences including related fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine and physics. Become a Royal Society of Chemistry member From teachers and lecturers inspiring the next generation, to researchers in academia and industry whose discoveries and innovations are shaping the future – we represent and support a vibrant and diverse community of more than 54,000 people. Please see below: Early Career – 50% discount. The Biochemical Society is concerned at the growing rate of antimicrobial resistance. Emeritus Membership– 50% discount. Our mission is to advance excellence in the chemical sciences and this has been the case since 1841 when 77 scientists – including doctors, academics, manufacturers and entrepreneurs – formed the Chemical Society of London, with dialysis inventor Thomas Graham as their first President. Full Membership – 50% discount. Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of life science research, Emerging Topics in Life Sciences is a fully commissioned journal jointly owned by the Royal Society of Biology and the Biochemical Society. Discounted membership of the Royal Society of Biology for Biochemical Society members The Biochemical Society’s close partnership with the Royal Society of Biology (RSB) means that members can benefit from a discount of 50% for their first two years of individual RSB membership.