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She said she and her classmates were scared. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. ", There is no evidence whatsoever for the existence of Nibiru. Was coronavirus prophesied in the Book of Revelation? 1996 Preview SONG 20:34 PREVIEW Coda. Scientists have been battling the Nibiru hoax since the 90s, with a top NASA scientist issuing a stern breakdown of why the wayward planet is physically impossible. Planet X Nibiru: Is the prophecy real? End of the world: When will the Rapture happen? The Regional Council removed the village from the register on June 21, 1991. 7:13 PREVIEW 4 Songs, 36 Minutes. NASA Senior Scientist David Morrison said: "Youre asking me for a logical explanation of a totally illogical idea. newspaper archive. Nibiru, or Planet X as it is also known, is heading towards Earth and will be visible in the skies from September 23, according to conspiracy theorists. Another passage from the Bible is doing the rounds, which points to a star called Wormwood that falls from the sky. Another Biblical sign being pointed out that Nibiru is coming comes from Revelation 12:1, which says: A great sign appeared in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head. He said the woman in the sky refers to the suns positioning on September 23 in the constellation Virgo Latin for virgin, IE the Virgin Mary. Christians and non-believers alike are convinced that the apocalyptic planet will destroy life on Earth, and the signs are in the Bible. In 1972, there were 200 houses and View production, box office, & company info. Express. He said: "All of the dancing about chairs is about power. "It is a winner-take-all contest, and if you do not have a chair picked out when the music stops, so do you.". [ANALYSIS]. Also available in the iTunes Store End of the World September 23: Did the Babylonians know about Nibiru? "God is the greatest not Maga. order back issues and use the historic Daily Express Residents of the village have been displaced due to radioactive contamination. In an article titled The Coronavirus-Planet X Connection, he claimed Nibiru is already visible from Earth and the world's governments are trying to hide it from us. Nibiru, also known as Wormwood or Planet X, is believed to be a mystery planet or dwarf star system orbiting the Sun once every 3,600 years. Another person said: "I think this corona virus s*** is a cover for Nibiru incoming. Is this 'blue planet' over Earth proof Nibiru? There is a great misunderstanding between them, despite the fact that they live together for many years. But there is no Planet X and there has never been one. DON'T MISSIs coronavirus punishment for Christian persecution? Today, only two inhabitants remain in what used to be the village of Mali Klischi. The Nibiru-Coronavirus hoax was also promoted by Marshall Masters of Your Own World USA. In 1972, there were 200 houses and 530 inhabitants. Although the world's leading astronomers have debunked the Nibiru story many times in the past, the wayward planet has made a comeback on social media thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. "There is no such planet, there never has been, and presumably there never will be - but it keeps popping up over and over.". The Regional Council removed the village from the register on June 21, 1991. The Wormwood Star is a 14-minute documentary film about choices and values. According to computer generated astronomical models, this sign has never before occurred in human history. Express. Conspiracy theorists have also outrageously claimed proof of the Nibiru doomsday can be found in the Bible. End of the World September 23: Inuit elders warn Earth is TILTING. READ MORE: Is this 'blue planet' over Earth proof Nibiru? "The simplest thing to say is there is no evidence whatsoever for the existence of Nibiru. 4. The Wormwood Star is a 14-minute documentary film about choices and values. Nibiru was once believed to signal the end of the world, with doomsday preachers hailing its arrival on numerous occasions in 2012, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Save this story for later. From "Veronica Mars" to Rebecca take a look back at the career of Armie Hammer on and off the screen. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. The Leading characters of the film are a mother and son - Nina (79 y.o.) ", NASA also issued a statement, saying: "Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an internet hoax.