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If you can't care for the dogs, don't get another one; its unfair to the puppy and your existing dogs. What do I do if my rabbits were introduced correctly the first time? Rabbits are social animals by nature and enjoy living with one another. This article has been viewed 157,793 times. Rabbits are social animals by nature and enjoy living with one another. There are 16 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. For tips from our Veterinary reviewer on how to puppy-proof your home so that its safe for your new pet, read on! You could get a puppy from any of those places and more. If you are in the market for a Yorkie, it won't take you long to discover that the Yorkshire Terrier is an expensive breed. "It's a very helpful article to read before you look for a puppy, especially about looking after them health-wise, "It helped, I learned to take care of a puppy.". It just depends on your particular rabbits and their temperaments. If you want another rabbit and have the facilities to care for her separately if they don't get along, then there's nothing to lose. Keep electric cords out of reach, as puppies may chew these. Make sure that person is willing and able to care for a puppy. You can also talk to a vet or ask at a local shelter. Baby gates are easily purchased at most baby stores, pet stores, and department stores, as well as online. However, the female may be more aggressive toward a new rabbit than she would be if she was spayed. She has also been featured on TV as a dog behavior expert. How to Introduce Rabbits. There are 16 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article was co-authored by Beverly Ulbrich. It will also reduce the number of accidents your dog can cause when first interacting with your baby. Puppies, especially smaller puppies, can also be harmed if a child handles them too roughly. They will sniff and nuzzle each other and enjoy each other right away. If your puppy has not been spayed or neutered, you will need to make an appointment to get this done. This should give you a sense of how big you can expect the dog to grow and the kind of temperament it may have. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. It can take a few days or a few weeks. They are more likely to live in harmony if they have plenty of space, so make sure the run is big enough. Put some food in each corner, and put the rabbits in opposite corners and let them discover each other slowly. You can also read a book or play a game with friends or family while you wait. Dogs from puppy mills are prone to a variety of health problems. This is how they communicate with one another. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 2,245 times. Puppies usually need frequent vaccinations during their first year. you can briefly hold or pet even newborn kittens a few times a day. This article was co-authored by Beverly Ulbrich. Big dogs do not always require a large home, especially if you live in an area where it's pedestrian friendly and you can walk your dog regularly. Keep them in separate cages, and try it against the following week; this will allow them to take a break from each other. If your rabbits are taking a long time to get to this stage, you should try feeding them near one another so they get used to eating near each other. If you are struggling to keep a basic schedule, consider hiring a dog walker to come over once a day to feed, walk, and provide a bathroom break for your pet. Rabbits are naturally hierarchical, but they will learn to live with other rabbits if they are introduced properly. However, they are quite territorial, which makes the introduction, or bonding, process more difficult than with other animals. Keep large pets in another area of the house. Depending on how you want to handle housebreaking, you may also need housebreaking pads. Last Updated: September 22, 2020 She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. Wear thick gloves in case the fighting becomes serious and you need to separate the rabbits. If your dog is used to wearing a head harness, it may also be beneficial at this time. Last Updated: September 10, 2020