[7] In the Eastern Atlantic it ranges from Cape Verde to Gabon (accidental north to France). [2] In the Western Atlantic, including the Caribbean, it ranges from Rhode Island to southern Brazil,[8] and in the East Pacific from Baja California to Peru. The nurse shark has two rounded dorsal fins, rounded pectoral fins, an elongated caudal fin, and a broad head. Maximum adult length is currently documented as 3.08 m (10.1 ft), whereas past reports of 4.5 m (15 ft) and corresponding weights of up to 330 kg (730 lb) are likely to have been exaggerated. Description The Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus) has a large, stout body, with a distinctive hump-shape on its back. The dorsal side of grey nurse sharks is grey, the underside is a dirty white color. they will have to fend for themselves from the moment that they leave their motherâs oviduct. When a grey nurse shark pup is born it is typically between 115 and 150 cm. The conservation status of the nurse shark is globally assessed as being data deficient in- the IUCN List of Threatened Species owing to the lack of information across its range in the eastern Pacific Ocean … This slowly decreases the number of grey nurses living in the ocean. Grey Nurse Sharks have recently been a protected species in Commonwealth waters under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It has a grey or reddish-brown back, sometimes with darker spots, and a pale underbelly. Both males and females mature at about 2.2 m and reach a total length of about 3.6m. This method catches many more grey nurse sharks than any other fishing method. Beach netting is normally at the deep end of a popular and well-known beach for safety of swimmers and surfers. stingrays) and some invertebrates (e.g. The nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) is an elasmobranch fish within the family Ginglymostomatidae.They are directly targeted in some fisheries and considered as bycatch in others. Description: The "grey nurse shark" is the first species of shark I ever saw. This establishes a lifetime of hunting and displays the strong survival instincts present in these beautiful killing machines. These areas are usually free from other sharks and dangerous predators and have more abundantly available food sources than the open ocean. Being ovoviviparous means that the pups are able to develop better and … Spearfishing for grey nurse sharks in Commonwealth and State waters is also not allowed. The Grey Nurse Shark grows just above 3.2 metres long. I was only 6 or 7 years old and was mesmerised by its massive size and razor-sharp teeth, but also kind of terrified - it was the stuff of nightmares to a little kid.