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Sagittarians are excellent storytellers and can light up any room with their exhilarating tales and infectious laughter. Many people ask this question about the money Abner Louima makes from Facebook. In Florida, in the Kissimmee Police Department, 4% of sworn officers are black and 31% are Hispanic, despite 59 % of the population of Kissimmee being Hispanic and 12% being black. After being beaten in a squad car on the way to the 70th Precinct station house in Flatbush, Louima was hauled into a station bathroom, where an angry officer shoved a wooden stick from a plunger into his rectum. This cycle will continue until those laws (or the machinery) is rectified. Abner Louima lives in the Miami area with his family. But he has not. Another 200 years? Defense lawyers for Officers Wiese and Bruder drew entirely different lessons from the verdict. Louima, 40, is as understated as he is soft-spoken. Tom Ford Net Worth. But the victim did not exaggerate his perforated colon, his ruptured bladder or the broken teeth he suffered when the soiled plunger stick was shoved in his mouth. He has collaborated with Baby Ariel, Jahn Lemieux, Sebi Barraza, Jassiel Macias, and Kristen Hancher on Your Ad Choices He is 24 years old and is a Sagittarius. Abner Louima was one of the most recent arrivals; he came to New York after receiving an electrical-engineering degree in Port-au-Prince. For weeks, demonstrators camped out in front of the 70th Precinct station house, tormenting cops with chants and protests. In effect, though, yesterday's verdict failed to vindicate either of the two great themes that clashed throughout the four weeks of testimony: was Abner Louima the victim of a sick police culture, or merely of one sick police officer? Election Day could turn into "Election Week" with rise in mail ballots, Black man led by rope by cops on horseback suing for $1 million, 12-year-old on soaring through college: "I just grasp information quickly", Amazon Prime Day kicks off holiday sales, as rivals jump in, Fans' celebration of Lakers' title turns ugly. Attorney Casilda Roper-Simpson, who represented Louima in the early months of his recovery, said she initially had trouble believing such police brutality was possible. Whatever your take regarding the verdict over Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, there is such a thing as right and wrong. The lawyers who helped cop-abuse victim Abner Louima win an $8.75 million settlement from the city can finally collect nearly $3 million in fees theyre owed. Abner Louima, who was tortured in a police station bathroom in 1997 in a notorious brutality case, will receive $8.7 million in a settlement announced Thursday. Two of those same four officers also testified that they saw Officer Schwarz lead Mr. Louima toward the bathroom just before the assault. So then, can we wholeheartedly claim say that the racism that caused police in the 50s & 60s to set police dogs onto peaceful black protesters, and that in 1992 led to the brutal 1992 beating of Rodney King has been overcome, when even pundits so easily place blame on Black Americans as responsible for ills for which they have no control?