Enjoy the June, 2019 edition of the Libertarian Party of Dallas County newsletter! Opponents: Democrat Candace Valenzuela and Libertarian Darren Hamilton. Incumbent Republican Jeff Leach has grown greatly as a legislator in his four terms, advancing from a tea party-style Republican into a lawmaker who understands the limited but necessary role of state government and how to use it for the betterment of his constituents. 2020 Candidates Dallas County. Monday - Friday She understands that this country is still one of the most open and welcoming places in the world for those who would seek it. Given all of this, we are compelled to urge voters to support DISD’s $3.7 billion bond program for capital improvements. Become an Election Worker (or Poll Watcher), CLICK HERE TO REQUEST A MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION. By signing up you agree to our privacy policy, Stand with us in our mission to discover and uncover the story of North Texas. Republican Kronda Thimesch has been a longtime civic volunteer and public official in the district, working especially closely with Lewisville ISD, where she began serving on the board of trustees in 2015. In our divided country, we could use more lawmakers with a low-key approach. “Second, I believe in the jury system.”, Opponent: Democrat Staci Williams and Libertarian William Bryan Strange. Yes to Propositions C, D, and E: $53.3 million for athletic facilities, $66.1 million for a performing arts center, and $33.5 million for natatoriums. It has also seen many of its would-be students head to schools in more affluent suburbs or other competing schools. Former Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne has the résumé to be a strong, productive member of Congress. Nowadays it seems as if “All politics is Twitter,” and many in politics are more interested in the social media scrum and playing to an extremist virtual base than in taking care of the people who elected them. In terms of policy, we appreciate Cornyn’s work on Hurricane Harvey relief. Dallas County Criminal District Court No. All rights reserved. Elections in Texas Learn about all of the 2020 elections in Texas by following the links below. Opponents: Alexander Enriquez and Nancy Rodriguez. Boyd frequently disagrees with his colleagues on the all-Republican court, and he is not shy about writing dissenting opinions to help lawyers understand the full thinking of the court. In addition to all the candidates nominated at respective county and district conventions this year, the LP nominated […], Please enjoy the June, 2020 edition of the Libertarian Party of Dallas County newsletter! Dallas Morning News Editorial. Stay engaged. Joe Carreon recognizes that the district’s Teacher Excellence Initiative has been key to raising standards and helping lower the number of “improvement required” schools. Featured Firms. Enjoy the September, 2020 edition of the Libertarian Party of Dallas County newsletter! Dallas County Plan for Vote Centers For 2019-2020 elections, leave all current Election Day locations open including Early Voting locations Look at voting patterns after a … She also was a substitute teacher, a legislative staffer in the Texas House and an advocate for healthy food options in her community. The law requires filing fees of third-party candidates which should not be legally required to file such fees since we do not hold primaries to nominate […]. Add to these challenges the reality that the district’s school buildings have an average age of 52 years, significantly older than the national average. Since winning office in 2018, Republican Van Taylor has been a model of reaching across the aisle to Democrats to achieve results that have a positive impact. He is the stronger choice in this race. “The flames of tyranny are engulfing our freedoms. All else ©2020 Dallas County Democratic Party Paid for by Dallas County Democratic Party, Carol Donovan, Chair, (214) 821-8331. Thimesch’s long history of civic involvement, as well as her more conservative approach to legislation, make her the stronger choice for the district. Evans said such varied experience is important for someone who wants to be a judge. Republican Jim Johnson has a depth of experience in many areas of the law, including handling felony cases, something this court oversees. He brings a different perspective to the mayor’s office. Since taking office, Democrat Julie Johnson has proved to be an effective legislator who’s willing to work across the aisle. Here are Q&As with judicial candidates for the appellate court and district court benches in San Antonio. If so, there is a convention coming up on July 13th in which you have a chance to fill in vacancies in the State Libertarian Executive Committee of Texas from SD2. We narrowly support him, because of his experience governing this district with an eye toward responsible limited governance. At a time when political divisions run deep, we urge Fallon to bring his best legislative instincts to Washington and not contribute to the toxic rhetoric and gridlock.