Reptile & Grow, Unit 7, 117 Dixon Road, Rockingham WA 6168. Desert Death Adder Scientific name: ACANTHOPHIS PYRRHUS Family: Elapidae Order: Squamata Status: Venomous. These may be slightly narrower to broader than pale interspaces and Large distinctive python with small fragmented head shields. Clinical symptoms from death adder envenomation include paralysis of extra ocular muscles, abdominal pain, headache, drowsiness, and enlargement of regional lymph nodes. Habitat and Distribution. Heating can be provided with a heat tile, mat or cord to maintain a ground surface temperature of 32C in the hot spot. The common death adder occurs over much of eastern and coastal southern Australia. Dorsal scales are strongly keeled. yes,increases because there is no adequate water source However, there are few cases of attacks on humans in recent times. Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia. OUR DATA: We use the most recent data from these primary sources: AnAge, UMICH, Max Planck, PanTHERIA, Arkive, UKC, AKC. They have short and thick bodies, triangular heads, mobile fangs, and a thin tapering tail. Discover How Long Desert Death Adder Lives. A stout snake with a distinct broad head; The body may be orange or reddish brown with paler narrow cross-bands; Produces live young - approximately a dozen in a litter; The tail is used as a lure to attract prey by being placed close to the head and wriggled convulsively approached by a potential meal. The enclosure needs to be large enough to provide multiple hide rocks and maintain a thermal gradient, a terrarium that is 60x45x45cm (WxDxH) would be suitable to house a mature Death Adder. A Death Adder will eat a variety of frozen and thawed mice, rats and chickens of appropriate sizes. Tail tip usually yellow but sometimes blackish. The central and western deserts, excluding the rocky Pilbara craton of Western Australia. Published on August 12th 2016 by staff under Snakes. In central Australia it is replaced by the desert death adder (A. pyrrhus) while to the north the northern death adder (A. praelongus) takes over. Explanation of Desert Death Adder Find out information about Desert Death Adder. The Desert Death Adder is a bright reddish-brown with a series of irregular cross-bands formed by paler, usually yellow scales; among both colours are scattered dark brown scales. Terrariums must be lockable and escape proof. A thermometer should always be used to monitor the temperature within the enclosure. Your email address will not be published. OUR DATA: We use the most recent data from these primary sources: AnAge, UMICH, Max Planck, PanTHERIA, Arkive, UKC, AKC. Subcaudals are single anteriorly and divided posteriorly. Their belly is cream or a reddish colour. Strangely enough, death adders are not true adders. Here are my top three suggestions: Impacts of Land Clearing on Australian Wildlife in Queensland, Search The University of Michigan's Animal Diversity Web, Desert death adder at The TIGR Reptile Database,, 40 to 65 and are single anteriorly-divided posteriorly. This ambush hunting makes the death adder more of a threat to humans. Female death adders produce large litters of live babies in late summer. The common death adder occurs over much of eastern and coastal southern Australia. On average they will have 1-2 food items every 7-10 days. The common death adder occurs over much of eastern and coastal southern Australia. Most other snakes will move away from the first sign of danger whereas death adders tend to sit tight and rely on their camouflage. Looking for Desert Death Adder? see viper viper, any of a large number of heavy-bodied, poisonous snakes of the family Viperidae, characterized by erectile, hypodermic fangs. It is important to keep the enclosure basic and easy to maintain, as a cluttered terrarium can make it very dangerous when you need to remove your venomous snake from the enclosure for any reason. Habitat and Distribution. Desert death adder is a sandy colored venomous snake species indigenous to Australia. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Over 30 young have been recorded in a single litter, though 10-20 is the norm. There are also several other species around the country with more restricted ranges. The desert death adder is native to Australia and is one of the most venomous land snakes in the world. The paler cross-bands may have their hind edges marked by black-tipped scales, most dorsal scales are strongly keeled. These beautiful looking snakes grow to about 70 cm long, with lovely red and orange stripes that Desert Death Adder feeds on small mammals and reptiles. However, there are few cases of attacks on humans in recent times. As if running the Reptile Park wasn't enough, Tim also has his own TV show, active social channels and a self-imposed mandate to provide further knowledge of Australian Wildlife right around the world.