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Charles II. After marching into the palace to take control of the young king, John was forced to pinch his nose at Charles stench and demanded that the boy at least go and brush out his hair. So, a marriage was arranged for Charles with a French royal named Marie Louise. Copyright 10/10/2020 Alamy Ltd. All rights reserved. He was tragically ugly through no fault of his own, but due You are welcome to use content from the Getty Images site on a complimentary basis for test or sample (composite or comp) use only, for up to 30 days following download. Portrait of Charles II of Spain (1661-1700) the last Habsburg ruler of Spain by Claudio Coello (1642-1693) a Spanish Baroque painter. This was because Charles IIs half-sister, Maria Theresa of Spain, happened to be the first wife of the famous French ruler (almost sounds like a scenario of a Spanish telenovela). King Charles (Carlos) II of Spain was the last Habsburgs ruler of Spain, and thankfully so. The painting may be purchased as wall art, home decor, apparel, phone cases, greeting cards, and more. It also made it difficult for him to speak clearly and left him with an unfortunate habit of drooling. Ultimately it was given to Philip of Anjou, aka Philip V. King Charles II (1630-1685), Reigned 1660-85. - Google Art Project.jpg, Portrait of King Charles II of Spain, by Juan Carreno de Miranda, Spanish, c. 1675, oil on canvas - Meadows Museum - Southern Methodist University - DSC05376 (cropped).jpg, Portrait of King Charles II of Spain, by Juan Carreno de Miranda, Spanish, c. 1675, oil on canvas - Meadows Museum - Southern Methodist University - DSC05376.jpg,, Male portrait paintings by Juan Carreo de Miranda, Portrait paintings of Charles II of Spain, Painted portraits of kings of Spain by artist, Portrait paintings by Juan Carreo de Miranda (House of Habsburg), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The most likely explanation is that Charles himself was sterile. Download this stock image: Portrait of Charles II of Spain. Fearing that this would give the French too much power, England, the Netherlands, and the Holy Roman Empire allied against them. In his will, Charles named Philip, grandson of the French king, the King of Spain. The following 11 files are in this category, out of 11 total. To make matters worse, there was an almost continual state of warfare as the country battled France over the Spanish possessions in the Netherlands. Sitter associated with 295 portraits The eldest son of Charles I, he reacted bravely to the outbreak of civil war in 1642; first saw service aged twelve and when advised to retreat cried 'I fear them not'.He campaigned until sent abroad for safety in 1646. Where did we find this stuff? And John, who might have been able to fix these problems, died shortly after taking power. (1661 - 1700), Knig von Spanien.jpg, Adoracin de la Sagrada Forma por Carlos II (Museo del Prado).jpg, Carlos II a caballo (Giordano, Prado).jpg, Carlos II de Espaa, por Sebastin Herrera Barnuevo (Museo del Prado).jpg, Carlos II, leo, Museo de Historia de Madrid.jpg, Claudio Coello (Werkstatt) - Karl II., Knig von Spanien - 7509 - Bavarian State Painting Collections.jpg, La Adoracin de la Sagrada Forma por Carlos II de Espaa (Museo de Jan).JPG, Marie Louise of Orlans, Queen of Spain, lying in state (1689), by Sebastin Muoz.JPG, Pedro Ruiz Gonzlez - Carlos II ante la Sagrada Forma.jpg, Retrato del rey Carlos II de Espaa (Universidad de Salamanca).png, Retrato ecuestre de Carlos II de Espaa (Museo de Cdiz).jpg, Unknown Flemish - King Carlos II of Spain - Google Art Project.jpg, Presumed portrait of Francis of Lorraine (so-called Charles II of Spain) - Hofburg.png,, 17th-century portrait paintings of royalty of Spain, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the. Please contact our customer service team. Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images John launched a palace coup against the queen, deposing her and taking over control of the country for himself.