Mayhap the messenger has forgotten the message? The tree is the oldest living thing in this ancient forest, and it is held sacred by every forestborn Gridanian. Squawk!? Whatever it is they mean to do, we cannot let them go through with it. Hm? It's the Ixal, sir! Gamer Escape: Gaming News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts,, Quest Involving Quzal Huatotl the Shrieker, Quest Involving Miraudont the Madder (NPC). Has anyone successfully soloed this quest? Anyway, all's well that ends well. 2. 6 years ago. log in sign up. The rest, form the main host with me. The birdmen have completely surrounded the Guardian Tree, and their calls grow more urgent by the minute. The fight begins against a wave of Ixali, with Miraudont taking the right side, a Wood Wailer and Gods Quiver taking the left, and Galfrid facing off against Quzal in the center. Quivermen! Wisdom of Paragons, we possess! Unfeathered ones and elementals, banish we shall! Another wave!? All Rights Reserved. Our intelligence was reliable. The Bowlord sent you, yes? 1 year ago. Let me know when you are ready to proceed, and I will admit you. FFXIV Shadowbringers Guide: The Puppets’ Bunker. Anyway, all's well that ends well. I have awaited your return, I am come to express my gratitude for your valiant efforts before the Guardian Tree. Let me know when you are ready to proceed, and I will admit you. I look forward to seeing you on that most joyous of days. Move out! Creature of the abyss! Impressive work, adventurer. They mean to defile the. Quivermen! Perish, unfeathered ones shall! It's the Ixal, sir! To Guard a Guardian? You are. Make sure to use your bind skill if the Gargoyle gets too close and starts hitting you. Pages in category "To Guard a Guardian start NPC" The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total. Should it come to any harm, the elementals would fly into a rage beyond pacifying. Posted by. Gamer Escape: Gaming News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts, The Ixal have amassed at the Guardian Tree! O mournful voice of creation! The next wave comes! O mournful voice of creation! Should it come to any harm, the elementals would fly into a rage beyond pacifying. Touched by her gesture, you are inspired anew to continue to strive for the good of Gridania. Mine enemies, strike down! To our former glory, restore us it will! Attend me, all! More seriously, read the flavor text in the fight sequences, it will give you instructions to follow. Hm? It is high time we reminded our Ixal guests why we Quivermen are to be feared! Close. She cannot get the Gargoyle below 30% HP. Wisdom of Paragons, we possess! We have...met before? To Guard a Guardian? I bet you won't. Posted by. Second and third, right flank. I am informed that an adventurer of singular talent now walks amongst us. Should this second wave be defeated, a Blanga will be summoned. Good to have you with us! Make all haste to Everschade, and assist in the great tree's defense.