When scared they’ll jump around in their cage so violently that they could potentially kill themselves. If you are searching for an easy bird to add to your livestock farm then look no further than pheasant farming. • These plans can be modified if necessary. It is a brownish feathered bird with long tails and is mainly found in Asia, Africa and Europe. You can raise pheasant almost anywhere. Your email address will not be published. Some other good options include expanded vermiculite and chick starter paper. I’ve fried pheasant and made gravy to go with the taters. When you’re brooding pheasants, you’ll take care of this for them. Dj-01. The mother pheasant will sit on each clutch of fertile pheasant eggs until they hatch, after which she'll then brood the pheasant chicks until the babies mature. Whilst others just like having pheasant as pets in their backyards. If cannibalism continues, chicks can be debeaked, but debeaking is not recommended for birds that will be released into the wild. Benefits of Raising Pheasants. Therefore, if you want to raise pheasants up from young chicks, you may need to do some extra work – mama won’t do it for you! Additionally, keep the brooding area clean and dry, and take out wet bedding as soon as it occurs and replace with dry bedding. Good luck! You should not use a chick starter for game birds – use a game bird starter or a commercial turkey starter when your pheasant chicks or young. July 9, 2013. Confine the family dog and cats for a few days to eliminate losses from these animals. When you build your pen, secure your wire with hog rings and make sure it is buried at least six inches below the surface of the soil – this should keep digging predators out. For successful pheasant farming, it is very important that you know what you are doing so to avoid failures. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. Good luck. It can be a great way to expand your pheasant flock for free and get new baby pheasants from existing Read More, Pheasants, just like chickens and other kinds of poultry, need the right pheasant housing or pheasant coop to keep them safe and protected from the Read More, Your pheasants, like all gamebirds and poultry species, need the proper pheasant food and pheasant nutrition necessary to sustain the best pheasant growth and development. For 50 chicks, this means 1,000 square feet. (Maybe this depends on how you raise them?? Pheasants met with nearly ideal habitat conditions during the mid-1930s. Thanks for the info, prepper. It was not expected, not that level of brutality. If you’re raising baby pheasants, the baby gamebirds need special care to ensure they grow from small babies into strong, healthy adult pheasants. Make sure the brooder is filled with clean water and food (you should be using a game bird starter – not chick starter) and dip each chick’s beak in the food and water to let him know where to find things. I can assure you we have plenty of space and plenty for them to do, and this has still happened a couple times in our outdoor run. Wyo.). It only takes pheasants about six weeks to become adults and once they because adults they can start laying eggs. But to make you even more comfortable about your investment, I'll offer you my.... EFFORTLESSLY RAISE YOUR OWN PHEASANTS 100% AT MY RISK WITH A FULL 90 DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE, If You Serious About Raising A Healthy Pheasants Then This Is Your Guide. Loss of pheasants due to drowning, malnourishment or the weather can take a substantial hit out of the profitability of your your pheasant-rearing endeavors. These birds normally start laying in March or April and do so until the end of the summer. Make sure you purchase chicks or eggs from reputable breeders to reduce the risk of disease, and keep an eye on new birds for any signs of disease before you introduce them to the rest of the flock.