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The Shchukin Collection in Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris. “Where I got the color red—to be sure, I just don’t know, I find that all these things . It lives at the State Hermitage Museum in Russia. So Matisse prepared his canvas in his Paris studio overlooking a monastery garden, and laid down the first draft of the painting in blue. Matisse was greatly influenced by the Post-Impressionists, Van Gogh , Gauguin , Paul Cezanne , and Van Gogh was an ardent admirer of Japanese art and motifs. Art Historian, founder and CEO of DailyArtMagazine.com and DailyArt mobile app. So remember, follow your gut and embrace the radical edit. Later, Vasudeo Gaitonde, Krishen Khanna, Tyeb Mehta,... We just love art history. His collection, along with that of fellow modern art collector, Ivan Morozov, form the core of the collections at the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow and the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. [1] This Fauvist painting follows the example set by Impressionism with the overall lack of a central focal point. It is an area of study that has been under-explored, but in the development of the... Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks is one of the best known images of 20th-century art that has also become one of the most popular meme sources of the 21st century, appearing on the Internet in endless renditions. We love art history and. The term “Post-Impressionism” combines the oeuvre of many artists. You have entered the place where art history gains the voice it deserves. © www.MatissePaintings.org 2020. DailyArt Magazine has gathered everything you need... Progressive Artists Group (PAG) was an answer to the existing Indian institutional structure of exhibitions in the mid-20th century. Just enter your e-mail, and we'll let you know when there are interesting art history stories to read. Learn more. The Dessert: Harmony in Red (The Red Room) Henri Matisse, 1908 – 9, Oil on canvas In Matisse’s work, “The Dessert: Harmony in Red,” the stark contrast between the warm, bright, saturated colors inside the room compared to the cool colors of the outdoor scene seem to vibrate between the two sections of the painting. By clicking below, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms. Although he was initially labelled a Fauve, his works from 1908 shouldn’t be called Fauvist. 1 Matisse must have felt that too. DailyArt Magazine will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide you with updates, marketing and offers from our partners. Shchukin liked brash art, having once said “If a picture gives you a psychological shock, buy it.” And in 1908 Matisse was leading the aggressively bold, colorful Fauvist movement, creating some of the most energetic work around. Just to let you know, DailyArt Magazine’s website uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features and to analyse traffic. The historical narrative of Modernism is overwhelmingly western. Changing the name and obliterating the blue with an overpowering red, Matisse kicked off a series of bold red paintings, including The Red Studio and the Red Interior series. Hope you’re gonna love it! The colour selection generates a feeling of warmth and comfort, whilst contrasting richly and intensely with other elements within the composition. It is considered by some critics to be Matisse's masterpiece . But something had gotten under his skin — it was the color red. In 1908, the Russian art collector Sergey Shchukin commissioned a painting called “Harmony in Blue” for the dining room of his Moscow mansion. The Dessert: Harmony in Red is a painting by French artist Henri Matisse, from 1908. The Dessert: Harmony in Red is a celebrated triumph of pattern and decoration and is considered by critics to be one of the most powerful examples of fauvist art. The painting was ordered as “Harmony in Blue,” but Matisse was dissatisfied with the result, and so he painted it over with his preferred red. Matisse used a common theme for the painting – a room decorated with vases, fruits and flowers –yet took the painting beyond the normal parameters of his work. All the elements of the painting makes the impression of a single whole. The dessert: harmony in red (The red room), 1908, is considered by some art historians to be Matisse's masterpiece. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at zuzanna@dailyartmagazine.com. However, the history of the movement is, in reality, one of constant diffusion between the East and West; between Europe and Japan. So remember, follow your gut and embrace the radical edit. Harmony in Red is a masterpiece created by France-based artist Henri Matisse in 1908 which thought to be Matisse's representative masterpiece by some critics.