*, DMG Media and Virgin Media team up to support Irish Emergency Alliance, Marketing Matters: Folk launches An Post Green Hub campaign, Marketing Matters: 70% planning to shop locally online this Christmas, Marketing Matters: Management buys out Weber Shandwick, Fine Gael TD calls for ‘working journalists’ to be added to Future of Media Commission, Marketing Matters: Three launches ad to promote new family plans, Planning permission granted for Ireland’s tallest building on Cork city site, Irish retailers urge consumers to shop locally online as ASOS profits surge, IKEA announces buy back scheme for customers’ old and unwanted furniture, Leo Varadkar talks up ‘pro-business, pro-jobs’ Budget, Business groups broadly supportive of Budget 2021 measures. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. Viewers can also enjoy TV throughout their homes from one of our new 4K-ready Virgin TV 360 Mini boxes, or on the move with our dedicated Virgin TV Anywhere app that lets you stream, control and manage your TV, your way. The new connected entertainment platform delivers Virgin Media’s most advanced and innovative TV service yet. Virgin has also introduced the Mini box for multi-room viewing, with the TV Anywhere app for viewing on a tablet or mobile device. We're really busy at the moment, but we're doing all we can to answer your calls. Virgin Media has launched its new entertainment platform, TV 360, overhauling its current TV offering.. If you would like to have your company featured in the Irish Tech News Business Showcase, get in contact with us at [email protected] or on Twitter: @SimonCocking. The latest box is one of the most environmentally-friendly set top boxes to-date with a 64% reduction in energy consumption over their previous Horizon set top box and its packaging is made from 100% recycled material from source. Firstly, you need to understand that not all VPNs work with Virgin TV. Entertainment, News, Sport, Soaps and all your favourite Irish and International shows from Virgin Media Television live and on-demand. Virgin Media has announced the arrival of Virgin TV 360. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. Virgin Media has launched its new entertainment platform, TV 360, overhauling its current TV offering. Menu. From seamless viewing to personalised profiles, customers can now embrace our most advanced TV service ever. We have over 860,000 relevant followers on Twitter on our various accounts & were recently described as Ireland’s leading online tech news site and Ireland’s answer to TechCrunch, so we can offer you a good audience! The platform also allows users to create individual profiles with favourite channels and individual recommendations. This website uses cookies. Powered by our award-winning broadband network, TV 360 will change the way viewers enjoy all their favourite programming. Viewers can record six channels why watching a seventh channel, or while viewing recordings, catch-up TV or on-demand content. New ‘Start over’ feature lets you skip back to the beginning of programmes on all major channels. Powered by our award-winning broadband network, Virgin TV 360 will change the way viewers enjoy all their favourite programming. Contact us, by email, twitter or whatever social media works for you and hopefully, we can share your story too and reach our global audience. Virgin Media has announced the arrival of Virgin TV 360. Our new Virgin TV 360 box is one of our most environmentally-friendly set-top boxes to date with a 64% reduction in energy consumption over our previous Horizon set-top box (31 watts to 11.3 watts) and its packaging is made from 100% recycled material from source.