ex218604 and ol218603

His force quickly captured the British position at Fort Erie and then advanced north. The land battles of the War of 1812 in British North America were concentrated along the water highways, on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, and along the St Lawrence, Niagara, Detroit and Richelieu Rivers. After burying some of the British and Canadian dead on the battlefield and burning many American corpses in large funeral pyres, the British had themselves withdrawn to Queenston until Drummond received reinforcements. Although some American units wavered, they were rallied by Ripley and stood their ground. [21] The Glengarry Light Infantry, who had once again begun to harass the American left flank, were mistaken for Americans by other British units and forced to withdraw after suffering casualties from British fire. [18] Hindman also had to abandon a howitzer with a broken carriage. An advance party of some artillerymen and the grenadier company of the 100th under a lieutenant and a sergeant approached the gate, where the sergeant affected an accent from the southern American states and confused the guard long enough to gain entry. Later during the year, almost all the regular soldiers on the Niagara front were redeployed to Sacket's Harbor to take part in an attack down the Saint Lawrence River against Montreal. Sign up here for our e-newsletter. The sessions will start at 10 a.m. and will last about 30 minutes. and period rooms throughout the Fort. Though he had wished to be allowed to depart for Montreal with the honors of war, Pouchot and his command were instead taken to Albany, NY as prisoners of war. [31] A slightly later version gave the same number of killed and wounded but only 110 missing. American historian John R. Elting suggests that if Drummond had instead concentrated on the vulnerable American left flank, he might have won a decisive victory. The inhabitants were to be given several days' notice, and care was to be taken that they were not to be left destitute. Naval actions took place on the Great Lakes and in the Atlantic Ocean. Drummond also showed little tactical finesse during his counter-attacks, not using his light infantry to their best advantage and mounting only straightforward frontal attacks. [28], In the early hours of the morning of 26 July, Brown ordered Ripley to recover the abandoned British guns the next day. tours and hourly musket demonstrations in addition to the many exhibits [8], A force consisting of the centre companies of the Royal Scots and the 41st under Major General Phineas Riall followed Murray's troops across the river.