With the development of fire dynamics and, weak. different regions where an individual can move. Cliquez ici. represents the center point of the grid and voxel indicating the longitude, globe code was used, that is, the code of, the geographic coordinate system of the building, voxels can be directly calculated via the, s of the grids and voxels [24]. Second, taking architectural component as nodes and the, constructed. It was also found that different combustible materials distribution in markets and combustion rate play a vital role in affecting the safety level of occupants evacuation. (1) In, occurs. With the grid of an individual located, the shortest distance is the condition, and the BFSObject objects that an individua, was sensed by individuals at time = 89 s, and th, Individuals in other rooms will choose the path with, Scene 3 (Figure 14c), in which the fire door (D. certain individuals in Scene 2 will be recalculated, Applications such as emergency response, indo, made the 3D indoor spatial environment more important than in the past [15,35]. Topological changes affect mainly th. Besides the, safety or emergency response have also been, The objective of this article is to develop a, Spatial Data Model (CSDM) with GIS for building, intelligent support for building fire emergency, objectives are as follows: (1) the modeling method, via the application of building fire simulation and analysis, the require, model for building fire simulation and analysis ar, modeling building objects in GIS and BIM, the CS, semantics, topology, event and state of a building fire sc, the CSDM into building fire simulation and analys, By using a readable input file (*.fds) and execut, into simulation parameters (e.g., the simulation, parameters (e.g., the file type and data type), in, and boundary conditions), and control logic inform, the work involved in writing an input file lies, building objects, such as doors, walls, a, pillars and other architectural components, whereas, involves rectangular, axis-aligned solids defined by. EMSC (European Mediterranean Seismological Centre) provides real time earthquake information for seismic events with magnitude larger than 5 in the European Mediterranean area and larger than 7 in the rest of the world. le logiciel a été bonifié et adapté Building information modeling, (BIM), a digital representation of the physical an, way of modeling building objects in AEC. (2) An indoor space can also ser, simulation and analysis. todeskRevit) can be used as CSDM vector data. Surface, RAMP, Species, and Particle classes in. change in the building fire scene. Unified Modeling Language Class Diagram G, Based on a combination of the spatial representa, The three main classes of the CSDM are BF, represent the building object of a building fire, BFSObject is the most important base class in, (based on BFSGeometry), invariable attribute information, and variab. In addition, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram of the CSDM is also presented, and then experiments with a simplified building are conducted as a CSDM implementation case. tics, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Building fire is a complex geographic process re, lated to the indoor spatial environment, a, ess. Fourth, with the objects obtained in the third step, the routing, of grids. Cette particularité permet à l'utilisateur de mettre en place des processus complexes avec plusieurs intervenants tout en gardant un minimum d'actions humaines.