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“Immunisation rates are pretty good across Australia but in northern parts of NSW or in suburbs of inner-city Melbourne, for example, there are social or economic groups not getting vaccinated. The vaccine may also protect against measles if given within a couple of days after … After two doses, 97% of people are protected against measles, 88% against mumps, and at least 97% against rubella. “Then with areas larger areas with larger migrant populations it’s about learning to understand Australia’s immunisation system; that they’re free and how to access them.”, Australia failing to stop alcohol ads reaching children, experts say, Don't let a sugar tax debate distract us from the obesity crisis. A second dose was introduced in the 1990's so many people will have had only one dose. “In most cases travellers come back and develop the infection but don’t spread it to others,” Sheppeard said. The aim of this study was to examine the burden of measles in Australia using notification, hospitalisation and mortality data with the objectives of setting a baseline for comparison prior to the introduction of the combined measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine. In June the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare released data that showed that while immunisation rates in children continued to rise, there were still some areas lagging behind. But the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance says the second dose was not fully funded until 1992 and was initially administered when students were in high school, meaning coverage of the vaccine was not as comprehensive. Prof Peter Collignon, an infectious diseases expert from the Australian National University, said one issue was with “pockets” of populations with poorer immunisation rates. March 13, 2018, To Minister for Health “In northern NSW, for example, it’s often about people questioning government and generally held beliefs about science,” she said. Are you the owner of any commercial copyright on this page? In one of the cases, the person, from Sydney’s northern beaches, had recently visited Melbourne, where 11 cases of the virus have been recorded in a fortnight. Methods: Data were obtained fr… by Michael Shephard It is unclear if it becomes less effective over time. “The advice is if you’re not sure, it’s better to get an extra dose,” Vicky Sheppeard, the director of communicable diseases at NSW Health, said. Nearly all of those who do not develop immunity after a single dose develop it after a second dose. by FOI Applicant But there are still dozens and often hundreds of cases recorded each year. The MMR vaccine offers protection against 3 diseases – measles, mumps and rubella in a single injection. August 04, 2016, To Department of Health April 11, 2019, To Department of Health Public health unit staff can help check for measles vaccination records on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and the school immunisation database. View as HTML. “It’s important to identify those areas because while we may have good vaccination rates, if we have pockets of low immunisation then something highly infectious like measles will obviously spread to a lot more people,” he said. T: (02) 6289 1666 | E: [2][email address]. The 2481 postcode, which covers Byron Bay, was the third lowest, with 73.2%. Despite this, a number of recent measles outbreaks have occurred. On Tuesday health officials in NSW confirmed two people in Sydney’s north and south had been diagnosed with the virus. The immunisation history tables provide a summary of the significant events in vaccination practice in Australia, particularly for vaccines used in population-based immunisation programs.