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The devices generated static electromagnetic fields, while animals moved freely in metal-free cages. Les Biters, jeune groupe américain, originaire d’Atlanta en Georgie, jouent une musique multivitaminée. Correspondance : CS 60 006 - 59895 Lille Cedex - He decided to use that time to start a “crazy project, just for fun,” to look at how energy fields affect the body. Take some time, like these authors did, and try to dig into the details.”. dans les limites d'une certaine nonchalance. n'arrivent pas à s'éloigner d'une certaine zone de confort et proposent un album “I said, ‘Look, you’ve got to reproduce this two or three different ways to begin to convince me,’” Abel tells The Scientist. Découvrez Electric Blood de Controlled Chaos sur Amazon Music. “It was very intriguing what they found, and potentially very important if you could reverse hepatic insulin resistance with static magnetic electric fields,” says Douglas Rothman, who studies metabolism and metabolic control at Yale University and did not participate in the work. The pair repeated the measurements, and the blood sugar in treated animals that were supposed to be diabetic was normal. Electric Blood Rock Djs / As.Py. Les Biters, jeune groupe américain, originaire d’Atlanta en Georgie, jouent une musique multivitaminée. CHARLES ROMANS, CALVIN CARTER, SUNNY HUANG. © 1986–2020 The Scientist. Offre de financement avec apport obligatoire, réservée aux particuliers et valable pour tout achat de 70€ à 2000€. Calvin Carter, a postdoc in Val Sheffield’s lab at the University of Iowa, didn’t believe the results at first himself, he says. To investigate how these electromagnetic fields might be exerting their effects, the researchers depleted superoxide molecules from the animals’ livers and found that exposure to the fields didn’t have any effect on blood sugar or insulin resistance. Shawn Brady Electric Blood ℗ 2011 Shawn Brady Released on: 2011-10-18 Auto-generated by YouTube. Javascript doit être activé dans votre navigateur pour utiliser toutes les fonctionnalités de ce site. Je fonce. Ce quatuor, coiffé comme les Faces de 72, habillés comme les New York Dolls, joue en recyclant des recettes apprises chez Cheap Trick ou Marc Bolan / T.Rex ; ajoutons-y une touche punk dynamitant la plupart des titres, en bref du glampunk - rock’n’roll ! The study also shows that “it’s really important to keep your eyes open,” she adds. Avantages, offres et nouveautés en avant-première. “We think that that molecule is what’s signaling a lot of the other things that happen in the cell to adapt and then to go on to improve blood sugar,” says Huang.